Important Note (If you want to read more of my "Frozen Series")

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This is for people who want to see my edited version of this book. If you don't want to or you don't like this book then you don't need to read this. 

Anyway so when I am finished with this UNEDITED version of this book (On this profile: I_doNOT_cArE_AnymOrE) I'm gonna take a small break, edit the whole book, and then I will start posting the edited version on my other new profile: Teenwolf_4_life Once I start posting on that profile I will post everyday. If I miss a day (which I don't plan on doing) I will post 2 chapters the next day. 

If you want to get a head start on the edited version follow:  If you follow that profile you will get notified when I start posting for that book. You will see that I have already put a introduction for that book. That will be the book in which I post the edited version of: A Sister's Love on. 

In other news if you have any other ideas for any other book ideas that you would like to see please contact: Teenwolf_4_life Also if you have any brainstorming ideas for what could happen in any of my books including A Sister's Love please feel free to contact me. Or if you have any ideas for any imagines sense I will now be doing that please feel free to share. 

Also thank you so much for all the love and support you are giving me during the making of this book. 

By the way I am deeply sorry for how slow my updates are I just have a super busy schedule with my schooling. 

I hope this helps you with most of the questions you may have. If there are any more questions you have, feel free to ask. I can be reached by: Teenwolf_4_life

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