(14) The Sacrifice

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"Can't you use your magic to blast it open or something?" Anna asks not being able to think of anything else.

"I'll try"

Y/n tries to use her magic but... nothing happens. She stares in shock. Anna & Olaf look at Y/n worried.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Anna asks.

"It's like freezing my heart also froze my powers." Y/n states.

Anna & Olaf decide to just bust open the window. The storm is so strong it sweeps the window panes away.

"Slide." Olaf shouts over the wind of the blizzard.

It's a long, snowy way down. But what choice do they have? They slide down the iced-covered building. The girls arrive at the bottom, weak but uninjured. Olaf gathers snow along the way. He arrives at the bottom as a giant snowball.

"We made it!" Olaf yells victoriously.

He shakes off the extra snow as the sisters struggle to their feet. Y/n's hands freeze over turning into an icy blue. But she's running out of time. She clutches her chest. The color in her eyes fades, the inevitable is coming.

 The color in her eyes fades, the inevitable is coming

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Kristoff and Sven bound off the mountain and sprint across the frozen fjord waters and right into the heart of the storm. Its white-out wind pushes them back. But they fight through.

"Come on, buddy, faster!"


Anna and Olaf reach the shore of the fjords.

"Kristoff!" Y/n calls.

The wind lifts Olaf up and pulls him apart. He goes swirling off into the storm.

"Keep going!" Olaf shouts to the princesses.

The sisters struggle on.

"Kristoff!" Anna yells.


Kristoff rides Sven past cracking, frozen ships. Sven struggles over the uneven surface.

"Come on! Come on!"


The princesses move blindly across the fjord. Anna's hands frost over, snowflakes encasing them. She holds her hands close to her body, and stumbles on, determined.


Suddenly, a mangled ship, risen by ice, capsizes over them. They give it all they've got as debris falls all around them and the mast shatters. They make it past just as the entire ship slams down and cracks the thick ice beneath their feet. The ice opens up. Sven bravely jumps over a gap. But it's too wide. He bucks Kristoff to safety, but lands in the freezing water and disappears below.

"Sven!" Kristoff desperately calls out.

At first there's nothing but the wind and the tumbling icy water. But suddenly, Sven surfaces and claws his way to a floating ice chunk. He calls out, signaling for Kristoff to go on.

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