(4) The Monster!

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Anna apologies as she pushes through the crowd, holding a man named Hans's hand. "Elsa! Y/n!" Anna calls as she walks to them. "I mean Queen, Princess.... Hi. Me again. Um. May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." Anna introduces.

"Your Majesties." Hans says while bowing.

Elsa & Y/n both give a polite nod.

"We would like-" Anna starts.

"-your blessing-" Hans continues.

"-of-" Anna says.

"-our marriage" The new couple both say excitedly.

"Marriage?!" Y/n asks confused.

"Yes!" Anna answers.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused." Elsa states.

"Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. Of course we'll have soup, roast, and ice cream and then- Wait. Would we live here?" Anna explains in a rush.

"Here?" Y/n asks worriedly.

"Absolutely!" Hans answers.

"Anna-" Elsa tries to get Anna's attention.

"Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us!" Anna says holding Hans's hands.

"What?! No, no, no, no!" Y/n says worriedly.

"Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must-" Anna exclaims.

"Wait. Slow down. No one's brothers are staying here. No one is getting married." Elsa clarifies.

"Wait, what?" Anna asks.

"May I talk to you? Please. Alone." Elsa asks worriedly.

"No. Whatever you have to say, you-you can say to both of us." Anna says hooking arms representing the "both of us part".

"Fine. You can't marry a man you just met." Elsa says seriously.

"You can if it's true love." Anna garrenties.

"Anna, what do you know about true love?" Y/n asks.

"More than you. All you know is how to shut people out!" Anna growls.

Both girls taken back by Anna's outburst widen their eyes.

"You asked for our blessing, but our answer is no. Now if you'll excuse us." Elsa says and starts walking away with Y/n.

"Your Majesties, if I may ease your-" Hans tries to negotiate.

"No, you may not. And I-I think you should go." Elsa says frustrated. "The party's over. Close the gates!"

"What?! Elsa, Y/n, No! No! Wait!" Anna calls, grabbing Elsa's glove.

"Give me my glove!" Elsa demands, spinning around and reaching for her glove. Y/n watches from behind Elsa, scared for her sister.

"Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore!" Anna despresly says.

"Then leave.'' Elsa says, holding back tears. Elsa sighs and both her & Y/n start to walk toward the door.

"What did I ever do to you?!" Anna shouts confused.

"Enough, Anna." Y/n tells her, noticing the attention is on them.

"No. Why? Why do you shut me out?! Why do you shut the world out?! What are you so afraid of?!" Anna asks/yells.

"She Said Enough!" Elsa yells. Ice shoots from her hand surrounding Y/n & herself. The Guests back away in shock. Elsa looks at everybody scared.

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