Chapter 11

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A walk through the underground

Kai was walking around Snowdin Town greeting the monsters he passed by. He passed the hotel and shop, the library, the grillby's, the skele-bros house with somehow snow on the roof and a shed. He had left everyone saying that he would explore the underground and would meet them later at Grillby's bar.

After the shed there was a transition from snow to dark green grass. It had a light fog with some candles and glowing mushrooms.

There was a station like the one Sans works at. Walking a bit more he found a beautiful place. The grass was a really dark green and the water was reflecting the candles and mushrooms light. The ceiling was covered in rainy clouds as it was always raining.
There were also cyan flowers. Kai touched one of them and it said. "Knock knock." It sounds like Sans. The other flowers repeated what the one said. One of the ones he touched said "Did you know? This is an echo flower! It repeats phrases it hears."

Kai had also found a ghost. The ghost's name was Napstablook. The two bonded over the quiet and peaceful place.

It was a good day for the two. Kai got to explore more of the underground and Napstablook met a new friend.

Kai also discovered that the wings Toriel gave them could not be in the rain for too long. Or it won't be able to fly as high it can go.

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