Chapter 4

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The Islands of dawn

"Ughh.... My head feels like is going to explode.." Kai said while slowly getting up. Looking around without moving too much, he found himself in a bed of golden flowers with is beanie and sword beside him.

Putting his beanie and sword in their places, he checked himself for any cuts or bruises or any missing itens.
He wasn't hurt but he did lost some things, like a bit of food and water.

Oh yeah and his notebook.

'wait... Where's my notebook!??! That took me a month to organize and resume all of that information!!'

After a few minutes of grumbling and checking. He decided to continue walking. 'Well there is only one way to go now. THANKS JONES.' Kai thought, forever holding a grudge at Jones.

Kai then found himself at a new place, a tiny sand island surrounded by water. And a bit far away he saw a patch of grass? Getting closer a tiny flower suddenly appeared.
"Would you look at that. ANOTHER human? I guess it's my lucky day that I have been given a second chance."
It said smiling evilly at me.
"Oh sorry pal! Didn't mean to do that. Well.. I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower. And you are?"
'does he really think I'm going to answer that?' That flower just showed up, talking about how another human fell down and a second chance. His instincts are going off right now.

Flowey looks annoyed. He seems to want Kai to respond to his questions. After all it's perfect timing, Toriel is still baking the pie and Frisk won't be able to get her here for a while now.
"Are you deaf or just really stupid? I asked you a question ya know?"
Kai didn't answer.

"Kid. Answer. The. Question."

Silence. Only sand can be heard floating around them.

Spiky vines surround Kai as he gets his sword out. Ready to cut them.
'knew it'

With Frisk and Chara

"Go quicker! We don't know if that guy is going to wake up soon and we still have Flowey to worry"
Chara said to Frisk. After the mentioning of Flowey they started to run.
"This timeline is really weird. Another human fell, mom doesn't let us go to the basement and the whole ruins is different!"
Frisk signed 'do you know what's going on?'
"No but the only chances that we got is to ask Sans or Flowey"
'Sans remembers?'
"Not much. I thought after that genocide run you would have noticed. But you were SO concentrated in killing everybody that you didn't hear what he said"
'I'm sorry...'
"Your lucky that I was able to get out of the hate you gave to me. And I'm not the only one you should apologize you know?"
'I'll apologize for Mom later first we need to go find her and help that guy.'


'Hey Chara'
"Hm? Yeah?"
'Do you think that I should not reset and let this timeline on a True pacifist? As a sorry?'
"That's one option. But it is safe to still save. You could also tell the others about reset."
"My child did you need something? The pie won't be ready for a while now"
Frisk jumped. They didn't expect to hear another voice.
'Sorry mom. But can you come with me? Another human fell down.'
"Uh!? Another? Alright" Toriel said while stopping using fire magic.
"It's quite good that I didn't put the pie to bake. Now could you wait here while I go the other child?"
Toriel asked nicely. Frisk almost gave in but remembers that the human had a sword beside him.
'could I go too?' They signed using the 'puppy face'.
"...uh.. Fine my child but please let me know if someone attacks you okay?"
Frisk nods and starts going to where they fell with their caretaker.

[670 words]
[( Hello readers! I have something to tell you.
In four days I will have an exam to do so I will probably not be posting this week. I also have 2 projects in group for the start of November that I pretend to work on this weekend. With that said. )]

See you next time~

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