Chapter 9

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Meeting Sans in person

"I think that you are ready my child" Toriel said while finishing packing supplies for both Frisk and Kai.
Today was the day they were going out of the Islands of Dawn.

"Remember to call me when needed. Also before I forget take these" She then handed two pairs of scarfs.. Cloths...? Wings things.
" These are what we monsters call's light wings. The stars on the back are their energy with it you can boost yourself up or go faster while flying and can be recharged with any type of light. You will need them to traverse through the underground more quickly and safely" They put the light wings on and tried to fly. They got the hand of it pretty fast.

"Thanks Ms. Toriel! We hope to see you some next time" Kai said happily while Frisk smiles.

And then after saying goodbye to Toriel they went, beyond the door through the long corridor and met Flowey again.

"Well well well.. Look's like you changed Frisk. Is the regret finally getting to you now?" Flowey laughs leaving Kai confused.
"You did something that nor you or me understand so... I hope you're happy. Something FINALLY changed" They said. Kai just gets more confused and worried about Frisk which looks a bit sad.

Flowey changes their attention to Kai and then Frisk again.
"Oh.. You didn't tell him yet? Hahaha man! That's going to be so entertaining when he founds out!" Flowey laughs looking amused.
"Good luck with that kid" And with that they left.

"Uhh... Do you want to... talk about it?" Kai asked. Frisk signed a 'no' and continued walking. "Ok.." Kai muttered and started walking too.

They arrived in a giant floating island?!?!

( Image from Thatgamecompany's twitter I think)

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( Image from Thatgamecompany's twitter I think)

"Woah..." Kai and Frisk were stunned by the area they were in.

"Nice view right?"

"Yeah... Wait.. WHAT!?" Kai jumped now realizing that a familiar voice spoke.
"Man. You look like your chilled to the bone heh" The skeleton, Sans said.
"Sans??" Kai asked.

"Yeah that's me. Let me introduce myself again." Holding out his hand he says. "I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton. Ice to meet ya kiddos"
With Frisk being the closest to him they shake his hand. When they do it a whoopie cushion sound is heard. Making the trio laugh.
"Ah yes. The old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny"

While they were introducing them selves. In the distance  two tiny blobs are seen.
They are having a good conversation about time, space, dreams and... Canoes??
Oh.. they seem to watch a video about some polemical topics. It's better that we leave them be.

Back with the trio which they were just talking about stuff.
"Hey Sans? You mentioned once that you had a brother right?" Kai asked and Sans answered. "Yeah. Wanna meet him? We live in the house with Christmas lights you can't miss it"
Kai then nodded and went to the town which for some reason was named 'snowdin'.
"And Kai do you mind if me and this kiddo have a talk?" Turning around he said "No, I don't. You can talk to them I'm going to look for your bro and see the town!" He slightly shouted.

And with that he left.
And two old pals needed to talk.

[555 words]
[( My gosh this took way too long. Ahem...
Hello there again!
I'm here to warn you that my tests are ending. I only have 3 more which is on the same day and then I only have to do an essay(?) and a group project. And then I'm done! :D )]

See you next time~

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