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It was yet another boring Saturday night for Alex Gaskarth. He didn't have any plans for the weekend, and he had actually finished his homework. Grabbing his laptop, which sat on his work desk, he sat down on his bed making himself comfortable around the pillows and blankets that were piled up on his mattress. Before going onto the omegle website he fixed his hair making sure he looked decent enough to go on camera even though his web cam made hm look like a bunch of pixels. Quickly he typed blink-182 into the interests box and pressed 'enter'. Within seconds another person had appeared on the web cam, and by person I mean a penis.

After constantly having to choose the disconnect button he stopped at a screen that was blank.

You are logged on

You and the stranger have blink-182 in common

Stranger: hey

You: hey

Stranger: ASL?

Oh great one of these guys. Please don't be messed up.

You: 17 male Maryland you?

Stranger: 17 male Maryland

You: ah cool what are the odds? So what's your name?

Stranger: Jack. you?

You: Alex

Stranger: haha cool that's a nice name yo got there

You: Why thank you :)

Stranger: and for a box of pixels you're pretty cute

Alex blushed, he had never been called cute before. Even if this was some guy from the internet it was still a complient.

You: aww omg thanks. i wish i could say the same to you but y'know blank screen.

Stranger: oh yeah, sorry bout that. I really dont like to show my face.

You: please?

Stranger: nopee

You: Well how do i know you're not an old man?

Stranger: Not sure if i can assure that I'm not an old man bc my dentures would say otherwise!

You: ew omg no seriously though!

Stranger: of course I'm not an old man!

You: thank god

Stranger: my back! it hurts! lol

You: haha so funny

Stranger: Hey now let's not get too cranky

You: Sorry

Stranger: it's cool haha.

You: so Jack, what's up with you?

Stranger: Not much talking to you ;)

You: Well no duh!

Stranger: so you like blink huh?

You: Of course they are amazing!

Stranger: Saw em live last month. IT WAS GREAT!

You: Get out! I begged and plead to go to that concert!

Stranger: No joke. That's too bad theyre great. I'm sure you'l get another chance.

You: hopefully

Stranger: Well Alex i gotta go but you seem like a really cool guy. Maybe I'll see you around? lol

Alex stopped for a moment. Wow Jack seemed absolutely greaat, he can't justlet him go.


Stranger: i'm sorry

You: I'm sorry if this seems creepy but do you think maybe i could get your phone number and text you because you seem great.

Stranger is typing....

He waited and waited impatiently until a message showed up.

Stranger: Alright but only because your name is cool. ;) 410-555-5555

You: thanks

Stranger: No Problem. Bye Alex :)

You: Bye Jack :)

The brown haired boy immediately grabbed his cell phone and added Jack to his contacts. "I shouldn't text him right away that makes me look desperate" he said then putting his phone on it's charger.



(next day)

I woke up to see that it was 11 am. Stretching my arms out I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I took a fast 10 minute shower and got dressed before going downstairs to eat breakfast.

I sat down at the table with my bowl of frosted flakes and began to eat. My mom came into the kitchen. "Good Morning Alex" Her English accent was still strong. "Morning" I muttered. "Did you sleep well?" She made her way over to the bread box and grabbed a piece of white bread, putting it into the toaster. "Yeah" I took another bite of the somewhat soggy cereal and got out of my chair. An obnoxious scraping noise was made from the feet on the chair. My whole body cringed at the noise and I took my bowl up to the sink. "Any plans today?" She leaned against the counter. "Nope"

"Well I'm making a trip down to the grocery store if you're interested in coming. If not do you need anything?"

"I think I'll stay home, but some beef jerky would be great"

"Alright" she picked the toast out of the toaster and took a bite. I have no idea how adults manage to eat dry toast. Grabbing her purse and keys she headed for the door. "I'll be back in a couple of hours" She waved to me and headed out the door.

I shuffled to the living room and sat down on the couch, my body sinking down into the cushions. After looking at the window for a good 2 minutes I remembered that I still have to text Jack. Quickly I sprinted up my stairs and into my room to grab my cell phone. I stood there and went to my messages adding him as a conversation. Hesitantly I typed "Hey it's Alex.." and sent the message. Eagerly I waited for a reply. Within a couple minutes my phone vibrated. I opened my messages. The new text had read "who?" I frowned. He must have given me the wrong number. That pretty much ruined my week if not my day. Sighing I replied "Sorry must have the wrong number :("

Almost immediately after the message sent I got a text back. "I'm just kidding with you! It's Jack! What's up bro?" A smile spread across my face. Thank god. "Not much, talking to you. :)" I quickly texted back. I've only known this boy for 12 hours and he seems perfect. I just wish I could see what he looks like.

(A/N Hello fellow readers! I've been stuck on my first jalex so I started another one. Which is what I tend to do too much. This is probably the fourth Jalex I've written in the past week, but i decided i really liked this one and wanted to publish it so you guys can read it. :) And I know it says PG-13 that annoys me so much but I really can't do anything about it. THOUGHT? OPINIONS? COMPLAINTS? GREIVENCES? QUESTIONS? LEAVE THEM DOWN IN THE COMMENTS AND I WILL MOST LIKELY REPLY!)

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