A Bloody Kiss

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Gore and Violent Content Warning 


A Bloody Kiss

Chapter 34!

January 1998 -  The Los Angeles Ministry

A few days had passed since Copia and Albany had returned from the business trip, they soon settled back into their daily work routine. Terzo had greeted his Sister back to the Ministry with open arms, his big Brother duties was becoming overbearing since she returned home. He had taken her to one side and spoke to her about the extended business trip, he was sounding more like her Father with each passing day. He had concerns about the change in the staying arrangements, he wasn't pleased about it. He wanted to know why they hadn't stayed in the hotel that was mostly used for Clergy business trips in Malibu, he had even spoken to Sister Imperator about it. She had reassured him that nothing had happened, but he still had his suspicions. He had heard rumours on the fifth floor about Cardinal Copia sneaking around with a dark haired woman after the midnight hour, she had denied everything. She had informed Copia about her conversation with her Brother, he told her he would find somewhere else for them to be alone together on a different floor. 

It was Wednesday morning, the day was processing slowly. Albany had plenty to do around the office, she had photocopied the accounts and delivered some important letters to the fifth floor. After that she went to collect a couple of cans of evaporated milk from the ground floor kitchen, she had to make sure Copia had his favourite milk for his coffee throughout the day. The clock in the office soon chimed when it's hands turned to 12pm, it was now lunch time. Albany filled the last of the files before she went to make some coffee for Copia, he enjoyed a cup of hot milky coffee and some wholemeal cookies before he took his lunch break. She folded two cookies in a napkin and placed his cup on a saucer, she then carried them towards his office.

The office door was partly closed, she peered through the gap in the doorway. Albany watched her lover working through his paperwork, he hadn't sensed her presence yet. Copia looked tired, the dark circles beneath his eyes were more noticeable lately. His workload had become hectic, the daily file delivery in the mornings had increased too. She herself had more to do, it wasn't like this when Terzo was the manager of the financial department. 

Sister Imperator visits had become more regular, she had meetings with Copia twice a day on some occasions. Albany had no idea what was going on between them, their relationship had become strained recently. She had heard raised voices in his office more than once. Sometimes Albany got sent on errands around the Ministry when Sister was visiting the financial department, they kept everything between them private. She never pried into his personal meetings, he would tell her if something important was going on with his work. Knocking on the door Albany soon got his attention for a brief second, she smiled at him before she entered his office. Approaching his desk she placed his coffee cup down on a wooden coaster, she then took some of his completed files from his desk. She waited for him to say something to her, but he remained silent. Clearing her throat she held the folded up napkin towards him, he glanced at her before he continued going through his paperwork.

" I brought you some cookies." She said.

" Thank you." He said.

" Why don't you take a break, you've been working nonstop this morning." She said while she placed the napkin on his desk. " You don't look well, I'm worried about you."

" I'm fine, baby. Please don't worry..." He said, his gaze met with her own. " But I need to finish my paperwork, there is a deadline. I don't have time for a break today, but go and have your lunch. You don't have to wait for me, it's okay."

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