Love Bites

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Mature Content Warning


Love Bites

Chapter 26!

September 1997 - The Ministry, Los Angeles

The clocks of the Ministry chimed in turn, the hallways of the unholy church were empty. It was Wednesday night, the working hours were far away. Most of the Clergy employees were sleeping soundly in their beds, but some crept amongst the shadows of the night. Lustful acts unknown to some, the satanic church welcomed pleasurable deeds of the flesh. The hallway of the male doom may be silent, but one of the rooms on this floor was very much alive. 

Copia's room was lit by a faint red glow, the bubbles of the lava lamp moved in time. The scent of burning candles and incense sticks drifted around the room. A trail of crumpled clothes lead towards the mattress on the floor, it creaked beneath the weight of two lovers enjoying the sins of the flesh. Albany caressed Copia's face with her hands, she laughed softly into their shared kiss. She had visited him more than once this week, they took turns in visiting each others rooms when the midnight hour had passed. The sounds of pleasure soon filled the air, her taint was being tickled tonight. Her hands running down his arms she bit at her bottom lip, she couldn't hide her moans any longer. Her lover's bodyweight on top of her own she dug her fingernails onto his skin, his hips moving at a steady pace she was enjoying the feeling of him moving inside of her. Her lips trembling she whispered into his ear, she longed for a more intense session. Copia was a generous lover, he put her desires before his own.

" Please, Copia. Faster..." She moaned.

Copia heard her desirable pleas, his lips curling into a smile his hips gained speed. His thrusts became deeper, the moans of his lover excited him. His hands exploring her curves his lips found her neck, his hand caressing her breast he harshly bit at her shoulder. His teeth grating against her skin caused her to gasp, her grip tightening around his arm a yelp escaped her lips. His thrusts easing slightly he groaned into her shoulder, his grip tightened on the pillow behind her head. He trailed kiss along her shoulder towards her neck, his tongue emerging from between his lips he ran it up her jugular and along her jawline. He kissed her lips once before he got onto his knee, pulling her towards him his hips found their rhythm again. His hands grabbing at the bed sheet he leaned in for another kiss, but a painful yelp escaped Albany's lips this time. Her feet fidgeting they moved awkwardly at his sides, his hand running down her torso his thrusting ceased. His eyebrows furrowing he gazed down at her, she winced while she tried to get comfortable beneath him. He was unsure what was wrong with his lover, he feared that he may have hurt her in their passionate embrace. 

" Did I hurt you?" He asked.

" No, my left toes!" She said.

" Again?!" He asked.

" Yes..." She replied.

Copia swore to himself while he pulled his manhood from inside of her, his hand gripping at his blankets he pulled them away from Albany's legs. His hand running down her left leg his fingers felt something wet on the sole of her foot. Glancing at his lover he checked his fingers, his eyes grew wide. Blood stained his finger tips, his gaze wandering around the room he soon noticed one of his rats scurrying away from his mattress. His rats had been turning vicious lately when ever he had intimate moments with Albany, he was mortified that it had happened again. His attention returned towards his lover, his fingers touch her cheek he tenderly kissed her forehead. His hand running down her arm he pulled her close, his head resting against her shoulder he sighed deeply to himself.

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