A Change Of Plan

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A Change Of Plan

Chapter 29!

November 1997 - The Los Angeles Ministry

Albany stirred her spoon around her coffee cup, it was 7:45am. She had another thirty minutes before her working day began, but she wasn't looking forward to her clerk duties today. Terzo had been promoted to the fifth floor, he hadn't really told her about it until Friday evening. She had no idea who was replacing him, she had been stressing about it over the weekend. Terzo hadn't even given her name of the replacement manager of the financial department, but she did hear her Brother referred to the replacement manager has a him. Her thoughts were disturbed by someone whistling badly from the hallway, they soon entered the kitchen. It was Copia, but none of his rats were accompanying him this morning. He stopped next Albany and kissed the top of her head, he told her good morning before he went to get himself some breakfast. His mood was cheerful and bright, he seemed different. He was normally grouchy until her had his first coffee of the day. 

" Okay, how do I work this thing?" He asked.

Resting her chin on her hand Albany watched Copia messing around with the coffee machine, his fingers fumbling around he finally managed to turn it on. A noise of achievement escaped his lips, but the spluttering of the machine's nozzle caught his attention. He leaned in close when thick coffee splattered into his cup, he muttered something unheard beneath his breath. A quiet laugh escaped her lips when he harshly slapped the machine's side, her lover always seemed to have trouble with the kitchen's ground floor coffee machine. The coffee began to pour normally into his cup, he had won the battle this time. His fingers clicking his good mood soon returned, he then got everything he would need to prepare his breakfast. 

Albany's gaze lowered towards her coffee, she continued to stir the spoon around her cup. She was unsure of how much time had passed, but the clicking of fingers snapped her out of her thoughts. Her gaze was met by her lover's mismatched eyes, she smiled at him while she watched him pouring evaporated milk into his coffee. Copia began to whistle badly once again, he couldn't whistle properly. But she was curious about his sudden mood change, he was beginning to unsettle her with his happy tune.

" You're in a good mood today." She said.

" I'm happy you have noticed." He said, his gaze met with her own. " The good times are coming, I'm very happy today."

" That's nice." She said.

" Do you have the Monday blues?" He asked.

" No." She replied.

" Then why do you look gloomy?" He asked.

" Terzo has been promoted." She replied.

" But that's good news, yes?" He asked.

" It is good news, but I will be getting a new manager." She said with a sigh. " I have never had a replacement manager I didn't know before, it's a big change for me. I may have to change my work routine. What if he doesn't like my filing system or the way I make coffee? I may get demoted! Do you have any openings in the accounts department for a clerk? I may need a new job, I'm willing to be an apprentice."

" We do actually have a new opening in the accounts department." He said.

" Can you put a good word in for me?" She asked, her hands curled around her coffee cup. " You know in case things don't work out for me."

" Sure, why not." He said.

" Thank you." She smiled.

Albany turned her attention back towards her half eaten strawberry pastry, she had pulled most of it apart with her fingers. She wasn't that hungry, her nerves were ruining her appetite. Her gaze wandering towards the clock above the stove she noticed she only had twenty minutes left until her working day began. She drank the rest of her coffee and threw her leftover breakfast away, she then cleaned up after herself. She was now ready to get the elevator to the financial department. But she heard Copia telling her he would accompany her in the elevator this morning. She waited for him to finish his breakfast of Fruit Loops and thick milky coffee, he was soon ready to leave the kitchen. 

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