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  "It should just be right up here." You whispered over your shoulder to Ghost, who had fallen in tow behind you to keep watch. Both of you had made it down the shore and up the hill to the fencing of the kitchen entrance, and Soap had successfully blown up the outer vent and allowed Gaz inside. Without warning, a small explosion resounded from inside the door, and the red light on top of the card reader had faded away. "You should be all set, make your way to that security room and find a crate." Price's muffled voice came over your earpiece, and Ghost pressed the button on his chest to respond. "Affirmative, moving into the facility now." He carefully opened the entrance to the kitchen, the disorienting fluorescent lights of the kitchen bouncing off the white brick walls. The vent cover of the exposed duct where Gaz had fallen through was tossed on the floor, and the soot from the RC-car was smeared over the bottom of the door. Ghost moved in first, clearing the room and motioning his head for you to follow.

You moved behind Ghost, your weapon drawn and ready. There were two doors, one in front of the outside entrance and another to the right of the giant industrial refrigerator. "I'll take the door to the right; you check the front." You offered, but Ghost placed his hand on your shoulder to stop you. "I don't think we should split up. If I remember correctly, the door in front leads back to the main hallway. I don't remember seeing a security room down that hall, so I think we should go right." You inhaled sharply, noticing just how possessive Ghost had become on missions. You knew his past when it came to teammates, so you didn't want to protest. You figured that giving him some false sense of friendship before your inevitable betrayal would help you sleep at night when you got back home to the AIU. You dreaded it, but this was nothing more than just a job. No matter how deeply you had become attached to Ghost, and to the whole task force, at the end of the day, you weren't theirs. But you wished you were Simon's.

"Alright, right it is, then." You agreed and made movements towards the right door that was slightly ajar. Ghost pushed the door further open, revealing another corridor that stretched down to the apparent end of the building. All of the doors were closed, and there were no personnel in sight. Still, you both moved very cautiously as you started your descent down the hall. "I'll read the names off the left, and you read them off the right." Ghost whispered to you, and you felt his breath against your ear and your face flushed. Despite being on a mission, the bastard always knew how to get to you. You read off the silver nameplates adorning the tops of the doors, from bathrooms to different official's offices. Finally, you came across an engraved plate with the words 'SECURITY' followed by another sign on the door labeled 'AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY'. "Ghost, over here." You caught the soldier's attention, and he turned to face you. "Good..." Ghost's eyes scrunched, and he saw that the security room door was slightly agape. "That's... odd." He trailed off, before a deep, southern voice was heard talking in the room.

You both fell to the wall on opposite sides of the door, and Ghost pushed the door of the room with the barrel of his gun to see inside. "I'll tell ya! General Hodges? He's a goddamn mastermind. He'll have everything he wants and more before the sun even comes up." The man sitting in front of the many security screens laughed as he talked on the phone, his legs propped up on the desk. The short, stubby security guard held a cup of coffee in his hand, not even paying attention to the screens in front of him. Ghost turned his head to you and pressed the button in on his chest. "I'll take the guard; you go and disconnect the phone." You nodded in agreement, and on his count, Ghost pushed in the door the rest of the way. He aimed his barrel at the security guards head, and you ran quickly over to the phone and disconnected the call. "Stay quiet, and I might let you go a free man." Ghost threatened, and the guard fell off of the rolling office chair and to his knees, terrified. "L-listen, I don't want any trouble... sir. I'm just a security guard, I'm barely getting minimum wage." The stubby man pleaded, his southern accent strong and fearful. Ghost pressed the barrel of his gun deeper into the man's temple, and the man yelped.

The Ghost of You - Simon 'Ghost' Riley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now