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A/N: This is NOT canon compliant :)

Fragile leaves from the towering trees across the courtyard withered away, leaving hollow branches in their wake. Ice sickles lined the gutters of the base, along with powdered snow blanketing the tin roof. It was Christmas Eve, and no information on the container's shipment was revealed yet. You, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz were up early in the day baking and decorating sugar cookies for a small Christmas party, you and Ghost doing most of the baking while the other boys decorated. A faint smell of vanilla and cooked sugar filled the kitchen in a matter of minutes, getting everyone in a festive mood. Everyone besides Ghost. You noticed that he was... off. After getting closer to him the last few months, he has been nothing but ecstatic to talk to you. Today was different, he was distant. While Soap and Gaz were busy decorating the latest batch of gingerbread and snowflake shaped cookies, you tapped Ghost's shoulder and motioned him out of the kitchen.

He followed after you, leading him out near the banquet table. "What's up with you today, Simon?" You asked, crossing your arms and placing your weight on one side of your body. He couldn't maintain eye contact with you, instead his eyes darting around the room spastically. "I won't be able to play cards tonight, Y/N." He muttered, and you tilted your head. That's all? "Are you sure that's all? You look like you just lost your puppy." You joked with him, playfully punching his shoulder. Ghost smiled with his eyes, but it quickly faded away. "I'm sure, rookie. I'd never lie to you." He assured, his voice remaining monotonous. Your heart sank slightly, but you gave him a sympathetic grin. "I wouldn't lie to you either, big guy." You lied straight through your teeth, the words spilling from your tongue like venom.

"Ghost, Y/N." Soap's Scottish accent filled the room, and you both looked over to the soldier peeking from the kitchen door. "Price wants us in the meeting room, there's new intel on the containers. I think we have a mission." He stated apprehensively, worry written across his face. You turned to Ghost, who turned to you. "Well... Let's not keep the captain waiting." You said, and he bobbed his head. The four of you walked hastily down the hall, a cold tension built up in the air around you. Your heart fluttered with anxiety as the group of you turned corners in the corridors and were met with an open meeting room door. You walked in single file after each other, being the last one to step in the room. When you did, you saw that Price was already in the middle of the room with a hefty folder in his hand.

You all took your usual seats, your chair a bit closer to Ghost this time around. Price rubbed his chin with his free hand, allowing a dramatic exhale to slip past his lips. "I've just received an email back from Laswell, the containers have been shipped to the facility... and we know their use." Price trailed off, licking his finger and flipping through the files. "The AIU is harboring missiles to wipe out locations where it hurts the most. There are five missiles recorded to have shipped to the AIU and one of those targets is aimed at this base." Price announced, making the group's eyes widen in shock. "Why are they targeting us?" Soap asked, his voice stern and guttural. Price shook his head, a look of defeat on his face. "The reason is unknown. All we know is that we need people there to stop those missiles from firing, and that's why we need you."

You froze, your ears ringing with shock. Why is the AIU targeting 141's base? Price motioned to your team. "We leave tomorrow night. I want to remind you that the facility is on high alert. They know we know, and they know we're coming. I need all of you to put your training to good use and be as quick as possible. I liked our set-up from last time, so that will be your group this go around. Ghost and Y/N, you two will find a container and trace the signal back to the control room and disarm those missiles. Soap and Gaz, I need both of you on heavy recon. Drones in the air at ALL times. Are we clear?" Price ordered, and the four of you exchanged looks with each other. "Who do we hold accountable for this, captain? The AIU is committing a war crime." Ghost grumbled, his index finger pressing against the wooden U-shaped desk the group sat around. Price sighed, closing the file. "Unfortunately, we don't know. But from here on out, the AIU is no longer an ally. They are our enemy. You're dismissed."

The Ghost of You - Simon 'Ghost' Riley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now