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 GH: 'input.code-missilelaunch: active (redirect) 793762' Enter that into the command center on the missile control module and it will open a screen for each individual missile location. From there, you can redirect the missile that's directed towards the base. The new location will be code 48273. If you play your cards right, the 141 shouldn't have any suspicion to double check you.

Y/N: Seems... easy enough. How do I get back home?

GH: I'll personally come to escort you back here. You'll know it's us.

Y/N: Sounds great, General...

GH: You don't sound too happy to come back.

Y/N: I am, I'm actually more ready now than ever. Just... had a rough day. Thanks for the intel, I'll make you proud tomorrow.

Yet another message left unanswered.

That same night, you sat on the kitchen counter tops of the lounge and nibbled away at the remainder of the cookies sitting messily decorated on a silver platter. You didn't bother turning on the overhead light, allowing for the feeble light of the moon to shine through the window. Your mind raced with thoughts of the background Ghost shared with you and the memories of the kiss you shared. Your heart ached remembering the unrequited love from Simon, wondering where you could've gone wrong. It was a testament to you that your confession was too much for Ghost to handle, that maybe he would come around in time. He didn't seem like the type to be good with feelings, especially romantic ones. You tried holding onto the bit of hope you had left in the abyss of despair growing inside your chest, and your fingers made their way to your lips in remembrance of where Simon's laid.

The metal click of the lounge's door echoed in the auditorium, alerting you to someone's presence. The heavy, steady footsteps were all too familiar to you as they stepped into the room and paused. You perked up, listening for any other signs of movement. Finally, you spoke. "Ghost?" There was a pause, your words hanging in the air. The thumping boots of the soldier resumed, coming closer to the kitchen. The door swung open cautiously, revealing the six foot masked apparition in the doorway. "What're you doing in the dark?" He asked lowly, leaning against the door post and holding the door open with his freehand. You finished the last bite of your cookie, dusting your hands on your pants. "Just snacking... thinking." You replied, swinging your legs from atop the counter. Ghost stared at you for a minute, trying to search for his next course of action. You could always see the gears turning in his head, it had gotten clearer every day that you talked with him.

You were hoping that he would bring up the kiss, the remark which he declined, or anything from the moment you both shared in the cemetery. You wanted closure, assurance. "Do you want to play cards?" Ghost asked, leaving your heart to sink in disappointment. You hoisted yourself off of the cold counter, feet hitting the floor with a thud. "Yeah, I'll play." You agreed. A little time with Ghost was better than none, and you wanted to make it count before you had to go back to the AIU. The mission was less than twenty-four hours away, and you could feel the nerves bubbling up inside yourself from worry. You both made your way to the banquet table, taking your normal seats. Only this time, there was an undeniable string of tension in the air from both parties. Ghost cleared his throat and shuffled the cards, keeping his head down as the playing cards bridged between his fingers.

You loathed the silence drifting through the air, and the feeling of becoming almost strangers in the matter of seconds made your stomach lurch. "Are you mad at me? Because I'm sorry about what I said back there... I didn't mean to say it too soon." You apologized, causing Ghost to spook a little bit at the suddenness of your voice. Ghost dealt the cards out, his eyes darting around his hands as he studied his next move. "No, I'm not mad at you. I just..." Ghost trailed off, reaching to the center of the table and flipping over a card on the board.

The Ghost of You - Simon 'Ghost' Riley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now