She nodded and then wiped her tears with one hand.

Dean walked her back to the black van as his two men stood in a guarding manner on both sides of the door. He helped Giselle step in and settled down onto her seat before he pressed the button for the door to slide close.

Just when he was about to circle the van to the other side, the sight of a familiar-looking woman standing in front of Ivan's gravestone caught his attention. Dean paused in his step as he glared at the young woman.

"Who's that at Ivan's grave? This place is for our people only." He furrowed his brows while studying his target.

"Oh, that girl... I think she was Ivan's girlfriend. Ever since he died, she came here a lot of times. Some of the guys thought she was a ghost here until we interrogated her one day. She never really spoke much. We're not sure if she has lost her mind or something. Her belly is bigger now compared to the last time I've seen her. I'm assuming the kid in there belongs to Ivan."

Dean took a deep breath and then exhaled loudly in mixed feelings. Without saying anything, he started to make his way toward the young woman. When he grew closer, he noticed her head turning to glance at his shadow before up to meet his gaze.

"Mr. Winchester?" She murmured. Her hands moved quickly to cover her belly protectively. Slowly, she started to back up from Dean. "I am sorry I came here without your permission. Your men did warn me..." Her voice trembled slightly as if something about Dean has terrified her. "I... I just miss him."

Dean came to a stop about six feet from her before allowing his eyes to travel downward to her pregnant belly. "I will provide you the child support since Ivan couldn't fulfill his role."

She gulped nervously. "I appreciated your kind offer, sir. But, I think I am good. I don't want my child... to have any debt to the Cobra group. I appreciated it."

"It wouldn't hurt my financial pocket to just give out a helping hand to my people's family. Ivan was my closest man. And, I don't see anything wrong with me helping his family out after he sacrificed his life to fulfill his duty for me and the group."

"Sir, I just think it's unnecessary. He did not know about the kid's existence when he was alive... And, I just want my kid and me to be safe and happy. I hope you forgot about the conversation that we once had. I don't want to be involved with anything related to Ivan's work. I don't want to know either why he passed. Please understand my situation, sir." The girl avoided Dean's gaze as she talked. "My kid is due soon. I don't want to bring any unnecessary consequences to his life."

Dean exhaled loudly before he nodded his head giving in. "Alright, if that is what you are asking for. If you run into any difficulties, you know where to find me. My men always patrolled around this area. So just tell them and they'll pass it on to me." He watched her nodding her head slightly before he decided to turn around and walk off.

Halfway to the van, Dean noticed the shadow running up behind him. He slowed down his steps, wondering what Ivan's girlfriend needed. Suddenly, he realized that the girl dared to try and steal the pistol from his back, which he had tucked in for just temporary protection when he walked Giselle out. With the knowledge of the girl being pregnant, Dean chose to not react violently or pushed her with full force. Instead, he spun around after she took the gun. The sight across his eyes was unexpected. Dean froze in one spot as he said, "Put the gun down. You're pregnant. You're putting both your kid and yourself in danger."

"Seeing you walking and breathing fine is threatening to my kid's life. Who knows what you will do after knowing I am pregnant with Ivan's kid? You're going to kill my kid and me just like how you did to Ivan, aren't you?" She raised her voice while pointing the gun at Dean. Her trembling feet started to back up farther from him as if she was afraid that he would fight for the gun.

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