The negative comments from Meilin's audience began to take a toll on her mood. She knew the gaming community could be harsh, but the intensity of their criticisms surprised her. The constant accusations of being sloppy weighed heavily on her, and she decided it was best to end her livestream for the day. Most of the team members had left their seats, taking a break from practice. Only one remained, wearing a worried expression as he observed her.

Sitting beside Meilin, the support player Changpu extended his friendly support by placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and giving it a comforting stroke. "I know you miss Yichen. We all do," he said in a soft, reassuring tone.

"He didn't even say goodbye, Changpu! We had to find out about him quitting from our manager. What does that say about our friendship? The championship is close, and our best player has left. I should be focused, but I can't handle the stress anymore," Meilin expressed her frustration.

"I understand. I don't blame you for being upset," Changpu responded. He sensed Meilin's sigh as a sign that she needed some space. "Would you like something to make you feel better? Maybe a snack?" he offered.

"A snack? Yeah... Some chocolate ice cream would be great. Thank you, Changpu, for being so supportive," Meilin said, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Supporting is what I do best," Changpu replied, returning the smile as Meilin laughed, leaving her bedroom with his smile intact.

Left alone in her gaming chair, Meilin became lost in her thoughts. Her phone buzzed, momentarily raising her hope for a message from Yichen. To her disappointment, it was just a notification from another app. She sighed and set her phone down.

'Did he leave the team because of me? Why hasn't he replied to my message yet?' Meilin's thoughts swirled, irritation creeping in. "If it weren't for Yichen leaving the team so suddenly and acting so mean to me these days, I would've stayed focused in the game!" she exclaimed angrily with a deep frown.

 "If it weren't for Yichen leaving the team so suddenly and acting so mean to me these days, I would've stayed focused in the game!" she exclaimed angrily with a deep frown

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Meilin's phone chimed, decorated with a cute pink case and a rhinestone-studded ribbon shape at the center. She swiped her phone and saw a reply from Yichen, but to her dismay, his response was short and lackluster.

Yichen: No.

Meilin scoffed. 'I asked him if he left the team because of me, and this is all I get? No other explanation?' she thought, frustrated and concerned. Determined to understand what was going on, she reached out again.

MeilinYichen... do you have a moment?

As Meilin waited for Yichen's reply, she mentally prepared herself for possible responses. She knew she needed to express her worries and feelings honestly.

Yichen: What?

Meilin sighed, sensing that Yichen was not as eager to chat with her as before. The uncertainty left her feeling unsettled and concerned about their friendship.

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now