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(but i will publish epilogue soon)


few weeks had passed and life was looking exceptionally great for the eight males. they were even more closer with each other than ever before, their studies were doing okay, seonghwa's and hongjoong's relationship grew stronger every day...

san and wooyoung's as well.

but- there was a slight but..

and that was because wooyoung was now standing next to the table where his boyfriend sat along with all their friends, with a sick feeling in his stomach. san wasn't meeting wooyoung's gaze.


"hi, wooyoung.. can we talk?"

lee jaesung.

the brunette's way to his friends' usual table was interrupted by the voice of his ex behind him.

wooyoung slowly turned to meet the man's changed eyes, "uh.. why?"

"i just wanna say something, please."

jaesung's tone was serious, and sincere... but wooyoung didn't feel any sympathy towards the man in front of him. he felt nothing. so was there any point of listening what he had to say?


wooyoung agreed anyways, instantly regretting it. but he didn't have anything to lose either so..

the elder nodded lightly and led them towards a different table, far from the number 8 where all of wooyoung's friends were. including his boyfriend.

"make it quick." wooyoung sighed and sat down.

he was already fed up.

jaesung took a deep breath before speaking, "i'm sorry. that's what i wanted to tell you. i treated you so wrong when we were together, you never deserved that."

"i am well aware of that."

jaesung nodded knowingly, "i know we weren't meant for each other. we didn't have love between us. it was clear. but you know, you did make a permanent change in my life."

now wooyoung got lost.

"how so?"

"you made me realize i had.. well, issues. actual problems. i realized i never knew in advance how i was going to react in different situations. i still don't. i don't understand my behavior or even know who i am. but, i reached out for help and i go to therapy now so that's a step.."

the brunette was seriously surprised. he didn't know if he should believe it or not.. could it be that he was changing? like actually changing? what was his point of this? why would he tell wooyoung? what was his motive? or did wooyoung just think a bit too negatively about him?

"okay well.. i'm glad to hear that, getting help is always a big step and a good thing." the younger said.

"yeah. and just so you know, i'm not trying to justify my actions here, i just wanted you to hear it from me that i really am sorry."

and wooyoung thought about it. there was no way jaesung would get back in his life ever again, so..
"i forgive you, but-"

"i know. that's why i'm not trying to be friends with any of you anymore. we drifted apart and it's okay, i don't belong in your life. i just had to do this before moving on with everything for real."

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