Chapter 10

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"Yoongi, are you okay? You look like you're burning up." Hoseok rushed to Yoongi's side once he saw how the boy was sweating.

"No, it's okay, I'm fine." Yoongi pushed Hobi's hand away, going to sit at the table since Hoseok was already making breakfast.

"I don't think so, Yoongi, you might actually be sick." Hoseok said, not letting Yoongi sit.

"Go lay down back in bed and I'll bring you oatmeal." Hoseok said strictly while pointing back to the room.

"But I don't want oatmeal!" Yoongi protected with a cute pouted, lightly stomping his feet.

"It's good for healing faster though." Hoseok said as he walked back to the kitchen.

"But I'm not sick." Yoongi mumbled.

"What was that?" Hoseok said, he knew Yoongi said something but he didn't know what it was that was said.

"Nothing." Yoongi quickly said.

Yoongi woke up burning like he was in hell, at first he thought he was sick too but then the more he thought about it, he haven't had had his heat in a while.

He almost felt like crying when he realized. There was no way he was gonna make it out of heat without cumming, his master usually gave him pills, saying that he didn't need Yoongi jumping and cumming all over the place.

It was honestly one of the only times Yoongi was actually thankful for his master because if he didn't, then Yoongi would be in pain from the heat.

But now he was with Hobi, who probably knew nothing about a hybrids heat and would probably find it weird when Yoongi tells him that he need to fuck every 4-5 weeks because he's a hybrid.

So instead, Yoongi locked himself in the room all day, not even bothering to let Hoseok bring the oatmeal in.

"Well, Yoongi, since you won't let me in my own room, I'm gonna go to Jin hyung's place for a little bit. Please eat and drink something." Yoongi only hummed in response, cuddling the pillow even closer to himself as he clenched his legs together.

Hobi signed before leaving, making sure to lock the door behind him.

"Jin-hyung, Yoongi has been acting weird since he woke up," Hoseok told Jin with a voice of worried as soon as the 2 sat on the couch.

"Really?" Jin asked, to which Hoseok nodded and stared talking again.

"He woke up at 7AM, which might not seem like anything but for cat hybrid Min Yoongi who I have tried to wake up many of times at 9AM, it's rare!" Hoseok exclaimed to Jin who just nodded, trying to see if he could relate to these things.

"And then he felt really hot, like he was hugging the devil or something! But he wasn't coughing or sneezing and said he wasn't in any pain unless he's lying but I don't think he would." Hobi rambled on.

"And then he locked himself in the room all day without food or water and I'm really worried about him, Jin hyung." Hoseok said with concern. Jin nodded and thought more about it until he suddenly gasped.

"Did you notice anything about his body language, movement, anything like that?" Jin asked suddenly.

"Um, I guess. He could not stay still, his tail had been standing up tail all the way over his head and it swayed both ways, and he left and lockes himself in the room, all I could hear from him was yowling every once and then. Is he hurt?" Jin hummed at this.

"Kind of. Hoseok, do you remember when Namjoon said to the whole group chat that we were late because I had my heat?" Jin asked, to which Hoseok nodded.

"That's exactly what Yoongi is going through." Hoseok looked confused.

"I know he's burning up, but that's not a solution-"

"No, not hot! A heat is a monthly cycle that an omega hybrid has. I'm and omega, Yoongi's an omega, Sunoo is also an omega." Jin spoke.

"How do I stop it?" Hoseok asked.

"Buy Yoongi some toys or something." Jin said while shrugging.

"Why would Yoongi need toys, hyung?" Hoseok said with confusion.

"No, Hobi, sex toys." Jin sighed.


"Yes, you dumbass. You can help him yourself if you want or you can just buy him some sex toys but don't make him feel weird or awkward about it." Jin stated.

"Jinnie-Hyung, it's dark in scary in that room." Sunoo came in the room pouting, his eyes barely opened.

"Open the curtains and go back to sleep, Sunooie, I promise we can by a night light today." Jin smiled at him. Sunoo pouted one more time before walking back to the room.

"Now, get your ass down to your apartment and help Yoongi, he's probably suffering." Jin said, thinking about the time he tried to hide his heat from Namjoon which ended up a secret for 2 whole days.

"He's in pain?!" Hoseok asked.

"No, just extreme discomfort." Hoseok nodded and immediately left.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, I'm back!" Hoseok threw the keys on the table quickly when he heard yowling and faint moans.

"Yoongi..??" Hoseok questioned. He sucked in a deep breath before opening the door.

What an unholy but blessed sight at the same time....

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