Chapter 6

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"Yoongi.. Yoongi, get up." Hoseok gently shook the sleeping kitten that was curled into a ball in front of him.

"Hmmm, weave me wone." Yoongi whined before lifting the cover over his head.

"Come on, Yoons. I have to take you to the store before I go to work." Hoseok looked at the time on his phone. Today he was taking an afternoon shift and it started a 2AM and ended at 8PM, but know it was 8AM and he was trying to get Yoongi up cause there are so many things he wants to get him.

"Stay sleep." Yoongi mumbled.

"Yoongi, by time I get put the bathroom you better be up or else I'm gonna get the water." Hoseok warned before walking out, smirking as he knew that would probably work.

Meanwhile Yoongi pouted, sticking his lip out before jumping up, throwing the cover from over his head as he sat up. He got up and walked to the living room, not really knowing what to do.

"Yoong- oh great, you're up. Hurry up and get changed into this, okay? Jim and Jungkook and also going with us." Yoongi nodded and grabbed the clothes that Hobi gave to him. It was nothing but black Jeans and a baby blue hoodie witha black shirt. Yoongi easily put them on thanks to the practice he had yesterday.

"H-hoseok!" Yoongi called out to Hobi after he look in the whole apartment for him. He nervously bit his lip before sitting on the couch. Hoseok didn't forget about him, right?

"Hi, Yoongi!" Al of a sudden a very happy Jungkook came in, Jin and Hoseok following behind him.

"Hi, Jungkook." Jungkook immediately started petting his head, causing Yoongi to lean into the touch while purring.

"Are you guys ready? We are going to swing by McDonald's to get some breakfast before we do shop so I suppose we go now." Jin said as he grabbed Hobi's keys. Hoseok got up so Yoongi got up, Jungkook following their moves.

They took the elevator to the first floor and walked out to the car. Yoongi stared, not really knowing how to open it so he copied off Hoseok who just pulled it open with the handle.

When he got in, he heard a click sound, his ears twitching to where it came from, his head following his ears soon. He was that Jungkook had a strap across his chest that was buckled in. He looked to his right and saw the same thing, copying what he saw.

All he actually did was look out the window the whole time, he's never really got to see the world like this. The beautiful sun was up, everyone was happily walking to work or any other event. It was nothing like when Yoongi was a scared little kitten.

Before he knew it the car officially stopped in a parking lot.

"We're here! Jinnie-hyung, do I still get a toy like you said I could?" Jungkook lifted one of his ears as he asked the question.

"Yes, Jungkook, you've been good so far but you have to continue like this in the store." Jin explained as he put the car and park and took the keys out.

"Okay, kookie can do that." Jungkook said before opening the door, Yoongi doing the same.

"Are you ready, Yoongi." Yoongi looked at Hobi and nodded.

"I'm ready." He said lowly. He flinched when Hoseok grabbed his hand and then they started walking.

"Yoonie, have you ever been to the mall?" A hyper Jungkook came up beside him. He shook his head 'no'.

"Oh, well, it's really cool and fun! They have pretzels, ice cream, candy, panda Express! It's like every store in the world in one place!" Jungkook jumped around, almost running into a parked car but Jin caught him by his jacket.

"Jungkook, calm down a little. You are doing great, just calm down." Jin told him. Jungkook gave him his bunny smile and nodded.

"Where are we going to go first, Jin-hyung?" Hobi asked, his hand still connected to Yoongi's.

"Oo, hyung, can we go to the pretzel shop first?!" Jungkook gasped and spoke loudly. Yoongi just looked around the mall, there were hybrids everywhere and they seemed to be free and happy. Why didn't his old master let him be free and happy?

"Shh, Jungkook,you're too loud." Jin told him, making Jungkook pout and press his ears down.

"As I was saying, we should go to a clothes store first."

Skip time cause it's 10:20 and I'm gonna be up till 3am

"Come on, Yoongi." Hoseok called to Yoongi. What was Yoongi doing? Staring at the so called pretzel he had. He walked faster to catch up with the group.

"Yoongi, eat the pretzel and tell me it's good!" Jungkook said to Yoongi as soon as he got into the car. Yoongi looked at the pretzel before biting a small piece, Jungkook was right, it was actually delicious.

"It's good, Jungkookie." Yoongi smiled at Jungkook before putting his seatbelt on.

"Okay, is everyone ready? Didn't leave anything? Okay" Jin said as the whole car was silent.

"Thank you for coming with us." Hobi said as he let Jin and Jungkook out the door. He then sighed before looking at Yoongi, who was sitting playing with his fingers, and then the clothes sitting on the table.

"Fashion show?"

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