Chapter 1

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"You guys are so boring, we only fucking been there for 15 minutes!" Jimin complained. Namjoon groaned from behind him, hanging on to Jin's waist.

"First time you said 5, then you said 10, and now you're saying 15?! We're been there for 3 fucking hours, you clubholic!" Namjoon yelled back.

All 6 of the guys had let Jimin convince them to go to the club with him, usually when Jimin comes from the club he makes it seem like a blast, but sooner, the guys found out they were pretty much there to keep Jimin from fucking strangers Infront if everybody.

And now they were here. Walking home at 1 in the morning.

"It's was a Saturday, I had to." Jimin said in defense. They all had jobs they had to go tomorrow, early to.

"Wait, did you guys hear that?" Hoseok stopped all their chattering. They all looked at him, confused af.

"No." They all replied in sync.

"It's coming from the alley." Hobi peaked his head around the corner to the alley they just passed a few seconds ago, it was pretty dark, but he could hear tiny cries of some animal, he wanted to say a cat, but then again it could probably be anything.

"Don't you go into that alley!" Jin demanded as the others were now right beside him.

"But what if it's a hurt little kitten?" Hobi asked with his bottom lip poked out to Jin.

"What if it's a lion?"

"Nah, it's probably a bear."

"Y'all suck, I bet it's a dinosaur."

"I'm going in." Hoseok said, ignoring the maknaes before pulling his phone out, turning on the flashlight.

"Ah, come back!" Jin demanded. Hoseok continued going to the very back of the alley.

"You know what? If you get kidnapped, I can't call nobody cause my phone on 2% bro."

"If you die, I'm taking your jewelry!"

"Really? I'm taking his clothes, y'all seen that Gucci jacket he had??"

"I'm taking a little bit of everything."

"No fair! Y'all taking all the good stuff!" Namjoon complained, only to earn a smack on his should from an anxious Jin that stared at the light from Hobi's phone, since he was to deep into the alley.

Mean while Hoseok was following the sound of what he thought were cries of a kitten, until he was in the very corner of the alley.

A rustling sound was in a small box, and out poked the head of a cute kitten

A rustling sound was in a small box, and out poked the head of a cute kitten

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Hoseok let out a squeal as it ducked right back into the box.

"Hoseok! Are you dead?! If so, please scream out the password to your phone before you actually die!"

Sweet little Kitten-SopeWhere stories live. Discover now