Start from the beginning

The next morning on school, all the student going to gate school before they ring bell as kyoto was appeared and tell stop walking.

Kyoto:hold it, right there!you are all late!

They seem shocked that they all late school.

Kyoto:Everyone, take a look at this.

Kyoto point on the statue of tomorrow as she was raising to the sky.

Kyoto:do you know anything about this statue? This is called the"statue of Tomorrow, "a model of the student we wish to grow here at this academy. Flapping it's wings toward tomorrow, rather then dwelling on today. It show the important of an independent mind!if you think of what this statue presents, you will realize you cannot be late.and this is the second day you've been late... I hope you've been enlightens.

Unknown to them, someone tried to seek from kyoto it's was nagisa as she seek on the tree and tip-top to run away from him.

At the classroom, nagisa was may at her classroom and tell her friends that she lucky right now.

Nagisa:lucky!i avoided this sermon.

Rina and shiho look at her stuff was all the yellow including the book too.

Shiho:yellow, yellow, it's all yellow!

Rina:man, nagisa, you don't have anything to fear on this test, do you?

Nagisa:guess so.

As honoka was appeared front of them.

Honoka:fortune telling exists throughout all the counties in the world. As part of people's daily lives. In ancient times, 2nd century yamataikoku Japan's priestess.or even nobles in the heian-era stressed fortune tellings for government and politics, so i cam understand getting carried away by it... But if you start rely on fortune telling too much, then...

Nagisa:i know. This great luck can't last forever. That's why i have to take advantage of it while i can!

Nagisa think that the great lucky can't last forever. As she have to take advantage of it while she can. Honoka was sigh and decide going back to sit as she cannot finish talk to nagisa


At the tako cafe, yamato was doing the cook the food,nagisa was sitting down chair and eat her food while honoka teach hikari was doing studying about subject.

Nagisa:akane-san, one more takoyaki, please!


Yamato came out fron kitchen and hold the takoyaki and put on the table for nagisa.

Yamato:you're sure in good spirits even though a test is coming up, nagisa. Shouldn't you be studying?

Akane:i agreed with him.

Nagisa:I've Got great luck this week. My fortune says it's once every ten year lucky week!

Akane:huh? Ah, geez.

Yamato(though):oh man. She get lucky because fortune...

Yamato was sigh her said as he was angry mark on her head and tell her.

Yamato:nagisa-san, luck won't help you get a good score on a test.

Honoka:i agreed with him, if you don't studying, you grade will be bad.

Nagisa:of course not. If i don't do anything, i Won't get a good score. I study real good once i get home. So i be fine. I've got a secret plan, see.

Honoka:a secret plan?

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