Chapter 18

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"Your majesty, please, even if I risk angering you, I must beg you to return to the kingdom," Sarah pleaded.
           The other dragon girls did not hesitate to join her in kneeling on the floor. They all knew that it is up to Clay whether he returned or not them asking him to could be called an insult. Challenging a dragon's pride would never yield a good result. If they were lucky, he would only kill them, but if they were unlucky, then he may torture them. Regardless of the danger, they knew it was important for all dragons, and he goes to the dragon kingdom.
              Clay quietly observed the girls as if he were in deep thought. In truth, he wasn't mad at them all he just felt respect for the girls. Even if they didn't ask, he was already planning on going to the dragon kingdom. Still, his silence caused a misunderstanding.
"Look, Clay, I know it is none of my business, but Zeke tried to mend.
"Relax, I am not mad at them it is just their loyalty that moves me. As per your request, there was no need to ask because I was going anyway, " Clay explained.
            The girls raised their heads to see him gently smiling at them. They collectively blushed, thinking his smile was beautiful. Ever since evolving, Clay could feel his blood demanding he gathers a hoard. Thanks to the memories he received from Ladon and Ariana. Clay understood that this was something every male dragon would go through. Females would also have the urge, but it wouldn't be as strong as a male's. They would find a mate with an impressive hoard rather than build one of their own.
            This made males' desire to gather a hoard even stronger as they equated a good hoard with having the best women. In a way, it is similar to how humans in old times with lots of money have a lot of women. Clay now felt this primal urge except more than gold and jewels he wanted women. Of course, he still wanted treasures it just took a back seat.
"Since that is out of the way, I need to do a few things before we leave," Clay added.
             The dragon girls already knew what this business was, but Freya and Zeke were confused.  it wasn't like he had anyone he would need to say goodbye to in town. Seeing the siblings' confusion, Clay helped them out by clarifying. He took a quest from the guild and was not going to leave without turning it in. Zeke and Freya thought it was because he takes being a guild member seriously. When in truth, it was because he wanted his reward money.
                They decided to leave tomorrow after making arrangements today. While Zeke was getting everything ready, Clay went back to turn in his quest.
"So how are you going to turn it in seeing as you went from a kid to this?" Freya asked.
                   Rather than answer directly, Clay told them to wait while he walked into an alley. Two seconds later, he walked back out, except he now was back in his kid form. Freya panicked when she saw this thinking he somehow managed to devolve. Behind her, most of the guards giggled while Maria shook her head. Freya looked around, trying to figure out what was so funny.
"They laugh at you because of how little you know about dragons, and yet you are a dragonkin." Maria paused. "Nature Dragons are known for being to transform into anything that exists in nature. it is not surprising he can assume a younger form of himself."
               Freya blushed, embarrassed at her ignorance regarding dragons. She then secretly vowed to study more about dragons. They soon arrived at the guild and went straight to Elizabeth to turn in the quest. She was surprised to hear Clay was leaving but still smiled, waving to them goodbye. Once they were done at the guild, it was time to head back home. Everyone went to get their stuff ready while Clay sat in his training, meditating and feeling his connection to the world.
               He noticed that as the description said, his mana and aura were being enhanced although slowly. As for his recovery speed, it was at least three times faster. Most importantly, his control over both of his energies became even smoother. Casting magic while manipulating elements became a little easier but still needed work. The most curious thing was if he focused, Clay could sense another bloodline aside from his Royal Dragon Bloodline. 
             To further add to the mystery, this extra bloodline seemed to be sealed. He could only feel it occasionally leaking from the seal. Besides that, there wasn't anything else he could pinpoint about the bloodline.
"Hey Eve, is it possible for a dragon to have two bloodlines, or am I missing something?" he questioned.
"Truth be told people with two bloodlines can only exist if they are in perfect harmony. Otherwise, the stronger one will suppress the weaker or, in some extreme cases, erase it, " Eve explained.
         Clay thought for a while before giving up since his newly found bloodline was likely sealed for a reason. Ignoring that he practiced his nature magic some more. As he delved deeper, the more versatile it turned out to be. For example, it can be used to imitate other elements' spells. The best part was how he could still use gravity spells. Unfortunately, he was a beginner, so he took his time deepening his control.
           From what he has seen so far, gravity magic could be a nightmare for enemies. For now, he cast it on himself to not only serve as practice for the spell but also as a means to enhance his strength. Doing gravity training reminded him of a certain orange-wearing martial artist. Clay went on to spend a few hours getting used to his new weight. it was soon time to sleep. However, Clay did not feel tired in the slightest.
           Since sleeping was pointless, he spent the night meditating. Silver and gold mist-like energy floated around his body as he sat crossed-legged.
(Scene change)
            In the dragon kingdom's royal palace, Caelum was pacing back and forth in her room, nervous about Clay's arrival. She had just received a report from Mariana. Not only did he evolve so quickly but he evolved into a nature dragon. His potential was so monstrous that she felt ashamed for ever calling herself a genius. She felt as excited as a child when they were promised a cookie.
              Her joy ended up short-lived as a maid came in baring a message. It was a letter from someone she would rather never hear from again. Opening it her expression was calm well at least it was in the beginning however the more she read the angrier she got. The poor maid that gave the letter could only tremble in absolute terror. Caelum was normally a very calm and understanding person that is until she gets angry. The last time she snapped a new lake was made on the palace grounds.
"I see so that bitch dares to make demands regarding my darling Clay" pausing she broke out in hysterical laughter "Fine then if she wants a war then war it shall be."
            Her mad laughter echoed throughout the palace halls confusing some while worrying others. At the same time, the clouds gathered overhead as lightning Arc danced inside of them.


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