chapter 7

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            Waking up before the sun was high enough to produce light Clay had a quick breakfast of goblin meat. Done eating he moved on to studying his golden dragon technique. It was around an hour later when he found the reason for his wastage. His problem came from using more mana then he can control.  Since his mana has been growing quickly he did not spend enough time learning to use it.

              After realizing that he decided to spend a few hours every day to train his control. His choice made Clay went to practice for the day. It was already night fall before he even had a chance to notice. Since he still had food left over Clay felt it was better to just eat and sleep.

(some where else in the forest)

          Walking through the forest guild master Zeke and sister were looking for curtain young dragon. They have been searching for hours hoping for any kind of clue. During the search they came across a goblin nest. Of course they wiped it out all except four that made to escape.

"Seriously what the hell is with this quest how can they not give more info" his sister complained.

"Look Freya it wouldn't be SSS rank if it were so easy" Zeke responded.

            Still although he said that a part of him couldn't help but agree with her. Normally the system would alert them if they were at the very least on the right track. Yet there has been not a peep from it. Most importantly they didn't even know where it could be. Continuing their search the siblings soon came across something strange.

              It was a blood trail that lead them to a cave with snoring coming from it. At first they it was just some monster until a quest message popped up.

[Quest updated: You have managed to find the future dragon king unfortunately he is not yet ready to lead. Since you wish to one day be under his rule then you must guide him. Help him reach his third evolution before taking him to the dragon kingdom. Be warn it is important to be careful with how you approach him.]

              Seeing that message they quickly used appraisal on the young dragon in front of them.

[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon/????

Level: 10

Racial level(s): Dragonling lvl 10/10.  ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 1

Health points: 1120

mana points: 1000





Status points-7=>17

Skill points-7=>17


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 1)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 1)]

        Freya felt underwhelmed that future dragon was so weak. While Zeke was terrified at the monstrous potential this young dragon held. As an avid gamer Zeke did alot of research before joining DOO. That's why he knows that for dragons to grow stronger there are a few options. One naturally through aging which can take a long time. The other is through eat mana rich ingredients. Normally that should not be surprising except that baby dragon are pretty weak. Actually when babies dragons never leave their parents sides.

              If it is true that his sister received the quest just two days ago. Then that means this little guy in front of him is a dragonling. Quickly his brain moved at high speed thinking of ways to get on its good side. Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough because his sister woke him up.

(POV Clay)

              Waking up thanks to a loud noise coming from in front of him Clay was annoyed. At first he planed to attack it directly but after focusing his eyes our young dragon changed his mind. In front of him were two people one was middle aged human. The other was a beautiful woman that gave him an intimate feeling. Unsure what to do Clay went to his ever trust worthy wife.

"You don't need to worry about them harming you first off. Since the woman is dragonkin she would rather die the hurt a royal dragon like you" ,she assured him.

              Receiving her guarantee that nothing would happen Clay decided to talk to them.

"So what do I own for the pleasure for your vist" Clay asked.

Before his sister could say anything Zeke spoke up, "sorry for bugging you I am a guild master for one of the towns boarding this forest ,and this is my sister. We came here because there was an oracle in the dragon kingdom saying a male dragon was born.When she found this out the dragon queen order everyone to search for this male dragon."

                    Zeke's every word and express were perfect as if he was telling an epic tale. From them Clay could understand just how important he actually was. Ladon did say he wanted him to help repopulate the dragon race. This could be seen as a shortcut to getting strong and fulfilling Ladon's wish. Still a part of Clay did like the idea of just following someone's whims. A dragon's pride can be an absolute pain at times.

"Look guys I get you have your orders but I refuse to go until I am strong enough to control my own fate" said Clay.

              Zeke looked at the young dragon in shock because he was expecting that to play out differently. His original plan was to say that thinking it would anger Clay which would then make convincing him into a stupid bet easier. After all dragons are best known for their temper and pride. Clay was different rather than blind arrogance he had elegant pride. Seeing that Zeke felt this dragon would be the race's best leader.

"I see then we will back off for now however I hope you could agree to a condition" Zeke replied.

                Clay felt there shouldn't be any problem so long as it wasn't too crazy. Zeke of course easily saw through Clay's concern and assured the condition was easy. Hearing that Clay agreed.

"Good thank you for agreeing and as for the condition it is simple. I hope you would let us help you in any way we can to grow stronger" Zeke proposed.

                It was actually a good deal for Clay so he agreed. Receiving consent Zeke immediately went into explaining how they plan to help. First they would get him into town so he can rest alot better. Second they would join his hunt just about any time he wanted. Finally would be info on hunting grounds and any threats near them.

          Some might say this deal is too good to be true but Clay knew better. First off while it may sound like he is getting nothing but benefits without giving anything in return. However Clay could see were their benefits lay. They would be able to make sure their mission is successful. Of course it would also insure their speed ,and besides they can keep a better eye on him. After all there was no guarantee that he won't run once he is strong enough.

            Another important reason for his trust was the dragonkin woman that pretty much guaranteed his safety. Not wanting to waste anymore time he nodded his head to their deal. A satisfied light flash through Zeke's like he just completed an impossible challenge. With that out of the way they to discuss way to get Clay into the city without raising suspicion.

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