chapter 6

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           After killing the bear Clay forced himself to his raise his arm. Using his claw that is better than any knife he cut the bear open. Once he saw the pink meat stained in red he pounced on it like a hungry beast. If anyone was around they would be shocked to see such a sight. Although dragons are powerful that only applies to being of the same rank. The bear Clay took down was midway through rank 2.

                  If he did not have either the silver dragon technique of the golden dragon technique he would be dead. Once again his gratitude to Ladon and Eve deepened another level. While he was savagely eating he could feel his body healing and his mana improving. Still feeling he just kept eating until he was full.

                    Satisfied he took a nap to help further speed up his recovery. Although, he was still in pain Clay felt a strange in what he just accomplished today. A part of him wanted to do it over and over again. What young Clay did not know was that it is his other bloodline effecting him to think like that. An hour later Clay woke up feeling completely relax and refreshed.

              Stretching his body a popping noise came from each of his joints. A comfortable sigh  came from his mouth with each pop. When that was finished the first thing he did was eat some more bear meat. Due to it being far bigger than him Clay had plenty left over. As he was eating a thought came over him. When he evolves he can pick an element to "major in" so which one should it be.

              At first he planed to put that off until later but after what happened with his current dinner. Well let's just say it is never too early to think about the future. While he was thinking he couldn't stop himself from asked Eve's advice.

"Well when it comes to a dragon's evolutions they can normally be broken to different types. As your first evolution there will be only four choice. First is fire which has the best offensive power ,and then there is water whose strengths lay in controlling. After those there is wind for speed/agility or earth for defense" ,Eve explained.

              As he listened to her explanation Caly thought back to his fight with the bear. The main thing he learned from it was that his attack power and defenses were too weak. Being a mighty dragon the fact a stone wall hurt him could be considered a disgrace. While thinking about that he peeked at his status screen again.

[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon/????

Level: 5

Racial level(s): Dragon-7/10.  ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 1

Health points: 960

mana points: 700





Status points-7

Skill points-7


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 1)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 1)]

            The boost to his stats made it ear just how lucky to win he was. He jumped not only three level but also had a massive enhancement to his mana. Definitely made the near death experience well worth it. With a smile on his face Clay left the cave to find more food as well as to get more fight experience. So far he has only managed to win by ambushing his enemies but that can't work forever.

                Walking through the forest for about thirty minutes he came across a little green man. Using his massive nerd knowledge he deduced that the creature was a goblin. Truly a genius for the ages because until a curtain TV dotor he got it right on his first try. Back to Clay's current enemy it was your stereotypical goblin dressed in rags and welding a rusted dagger.

                    If there was a better enemy for his fight head on fight than Clay was too weak. The goblin immediately notice and started doing disgusting cackle. Clay could ready guess the negative five iq monster must have mistaken him for a large lizard. Of course that insult to his dragon's pride will not go unpunished.

                      Clay quickly started channeling mana to his whole body. Thanks to his recent level up our hero's mana grew to the point he can feed it to his whole body. Feeling that was not enough he also super heated his claws. Before it could move Clay was already slashing his claws towards the goblin. His first attack was sadly dodged. The goblin then tried to stab him with it's daggers. Too bad the bull rusty blade couldn't even scratch his scales.

                      Attacking again Clay swung his tail striking his foe in the chest. A bone cracking sound filled the air as it was sent flying.

"Clay used tail whip, it was very effective" Clay joked as he approached his prey.

                Just when he was about to finish it off an arrow came flying from a bush. It almost hit his eye but luckily he moved on reflex and swat it with his tail. Turning his attention to where the arrow where originated from he saw a group of about 4 goblins. Clearly the one he was fighting is a scout while the rest were the main force. An excited smile showed on Clay's face as he once again got ready to fight.

                Following the rule of "he who strikes first wins fastest" Clay rushed the goblins. Seeing a young dragon blitzing them the goblin immediately got into formation. Unworried maintained speed as he swiped his left claw. The goblin holding a sword in front intercepted his attack. Issuing a pained grunt the goblin barely held on. Seeing the opening another goblin snuck to Clay's blind spot.

                    Without turning his head Clay used reinforced tail to block the axe strike. A faint line marked his but otherwise it did nothing. Once it saw its attack fail the goblin tried to take a step back. Unfortunately Clay was fast as he used tail that he covered with stone to pierce it's chest. He then lifted the impaled goblin to throw at the archer. Done with one he returned his attention back in front of him.

                One look was all it took for to see how much the goblin was struggling. A sense of pity filled his heart ,so he mercifully ended it's suffering by using his other hand to rip its heart out. Holding the heart he suddenly felt like a snack so he ate. The remaining goblins watched in fear as he happily enjoyed his treat. When the realization that they had no chance hit them the two looked for an escape route. This didn't go unnoticed by Clay so before they could run he decided to finish things.

              Using his recovered mana Clay created two fire arrows. Once they finished he sent they flying and pierced both goblin's heads. With the battle he used wind magic to pick up his bounty and headed home. Back in home sweet cave he had a quick meal before practicing some more. The first thing he decided to work on was his mana wastage so he quickly started to focus on that.

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