Chapter 15

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         Standing among the remains of his goblin massacre, Clay was face to face with a hobgoblin. The hobgoblin stood at least 152 cm tall, easily surpassing Clay's height by a few centimeters. Unlike its underlings, the hobgoblin had on a suit of leather armor. Holding in its hand, the hobgoblin had a sword that appeared to be forged from steel. Clay knew better because he could feel the presence of mana coming from the blade. From his experiences so far, he understood that on occasion, beings will receive a random reward from the world.
             If his guess was right, then this hobgoblin is one such being. To be honest, he even felt a little bit excited. Entering a low attack position as his aura surrounded his body. Golden light wrapped around his body much like when that warrior race powers up. This was a discovery he made while fighting against a shadow panther. Normally, when someone used an aura, they will only be able to do so internally. Clay, however, thanks for having both energies able to use traits from each other.
                This new skill created a protective layer around him, making his already powerful defense even stronger. Clay then used his element control to shape some of the earth into a sword. Taking a stance with the blade beside him, pointing toward the hobgoblin. His breathing began to slow and become even as he focused. The hobgoblin could feel Clay's changes and felt a little afraid.
                   it had to be known that ever since the hobgoblin became chosen from the world, it has not felt fear. The sword in its hands had allowed it to walk out from being a regular goblin to a hobgoblin magic swordsman. This feeling of superiority only served to grow as time went on. Now, however, it was face to face with a being that took its superiority and stomped it into the ground.
"Hope you are ready because I don't plan on holding back," Clay said.
                     The hobgoblin couldn't speak, but if it could, then it would beg for mercy. Clay did not know it, but each person's aura would differ depending on several factors. One such factor was the individual's race. In Clay's aura, there was the Dragon's arrogance, greed, and desire to dominate. Feeling pressured the hobgoblin rushed Clay who was cool as a cumber.
                    Once it was in range the hobgoblin struck at Clay with an overhead sword strike. It probably was hoping to overpower Clay physically since doing it through aura was not an option. Too bad its target was the dragon Clay whose strength was in gentle terms monstrous. He easily blocked the attack completely stopping its momentum. Caught in a "stalemate" Clay raised his foot kicking it in the stomach.
                     Due to being caught off guard and Clay's ridiculous strength, the hobgoblin was sent flying into a tree. A loud bang echoed out as its body made contact destroying the tree. Clay walked casually to his victim without a care in the world. This act infuriated the hobgoblin making it forget its previous fear. Getting up it rushed Clay again this time though unafraid. Clay of course wasn't planning on being passive anymore and also ran forward.
                        It was mere seconds before the two clashed and started exchanging blows. Each strike's sole purpose was to kill their foe. Slowly the hobgoblin had more and more cuts appearing on its body. Clay also took on some damage although less. Seeing how little damage his normal attacks did the hobgoblin started to use sword skills. This turned out to be the right choice because it started pushing Clay back.
              The greatest weakness of Clay's class was that most of his skills were passive. Thanks to that he didn't have anything that can further boost his attacks. For example, the hobgoblin had the swordsman skill which enhanced his ability to use swords. This made using a sword easier and more natural. It of course worked well with enchanted weapons but fell short with regular ones.
        Now with the heavy slash skill, it can add additional effects. Clay to this day has yet to figure out a way to overcome this flow. As the hobgoblin pushed him back more and more Clay got angrier he got. He could hear a voice screaming how dare a lowly hobgoblin not just roll over and die. That crazy idea popped into his head as he remembered one of his abilities.
             During their next clash, his sword broke giving the hobgoblin a perfect opening. Seeing that it didn't hesitate to stab his chest. The dragon girls instantly went into a panic when their future king was run through. They were just about to make a move when Clay tightly grabbed the hobgoblin's arms.
"I have to hand it to you. This may have been the hardest fight I have been in until this point. You pushed me to the point I need to use this" Clay commended.
             When he finished talking Clay took a deep breath building up mama in his throat. Clay had forgotten a basic fact about dragons which is they have breath weapons. Normally he would be too busy fighting like a human or improving his control over his two techniques. Arguably he could be said it only made sense he could forget. After building up enough mana he opened his mouth releasing a torrent of sharp stones right in its face. The hobgoblin had no way to protect itself as the stones ripped its face apart.
              Clay did not release his breath until he couldn't feel the hobgoblin anymore. Once he stopped Clay could see the mangled mess that used to be a face.
[Ding congratulations you have leveled up]
[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum
Race: Dragon(human)/????
Job:Martial artist
Level: 20=>21
Racial level(s): Young Earth Dragon level 20/20.  ????-????
bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline
Mana core: rank 2
Aura core: rank 2
Health points: 2450=>
mana points: 3000
aura points: 2450=>2500
Status points-52=>55
Skill points-53=>55
-Dragon's endurance(max level)
-Golden dragon body technique( Level 2)
-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 2)
-Earth magic(level 2)
-Earth Dragon's Armor(Level 3)
-Earth Dragon's breath(level 1)
-Fly(level 5)
-Martial Path(level 1)]
         Seeing he was still short fifty Clay did not hesitate to use his free points. Once he was done another message appeared in front of him.
[Due to the host processing two cores ready to evolve he will now obtain unique evolution choices.]
          Clay looked at the message feeling both excited and confused at the same time. He always had the feeling he max out both cores but never expected anything like this. Curious he asked Eve like usual. She explained it as having two different cultivation which in turn gave to separate evolutions. This allowed him to become double attributed or double giving a greater boost. The problem with that was both cores must be evolved at the same time.
             After hearing that explanation Clay turned serious thinking of possible choices. Finally, his impatience got the best of him as he opened the evolution tab.

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