t h r e e ↣ death row

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ALICE DUNLAP WAS BEATING herself up over what happened to Patrick, last night. She felt guilty that she never bothered to check on him, when she knew that he was beginning to come down with something. Instead of following him out of story-time, she focused her attention on Carl, who'd she seen sneaking through the bookshelves. Her disdain for the boy had finally, truly, costed her.

What the girl felt even worse about was that she hadn't even thought about Patrick at all, until it was already too late.

When she was awoken by the gunfire in her cell-block, her first instinct was to get Elliot to safety. At first, the girl began to put his arm around her shoulders and hoist him out of bed, but before she could even finish pulling open the curtain to their cell, Alice realized that there were too many of the dead scattered throughout the cell-block.

The girl locked herself and her brother in their cell, and the two held onto each other, huddled in the corner, until the gunfire finally ceased. Quickly after it was over, she and Elliot were forced to overhear the news of Patrick's death, from Rick Grimes' voice echoing throughout the entire corridor of cell block D.

He'd died from the same sickness that Alice ignored, the night before. She was even a bit excited that Elliot didn't go see Patrick, that night, out of his fear of catching whatever it was. It meant that she got to spend some time talking with her brother, who she barely got to see anymore. The girl was never one to dwell, but she carried the guilt of the deaths that could've been prevented had she encouraged Elliot to go visit Patrick, anyway.

Elliot staying behind last night didn't even make a difference, as he came down with a fever just a few hours after the outbreak. He was to stay resting in their cell, until the council could figure out a method of quarantine. With the death of the person he was closest to, the girl knew that her brother was suffering alone, in that cell. And, deep down, she felt worried that Elliot would also suffer the same fate as Patrick.

Except, this time around, she wasn't even allowed to check in on him. Alice, having no symptoms, was expected to stay away from him, in order to give the girl a chance of not catching it.

The girl was doing the most that she possibly could, although she felt as though she was just sitting around. And she was. She was sitting across the room, distancing herself from potentially contaminating Carl Grimes, as the boy worked on his hands and knees crafting a cross to mark Patrick's grave.

THE WARMTH OF A NIGHT SURVIVED | CARL GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now