Miss Evie silently stood up and made her way to the door. Her cherry heels almost blended into the blood pool. Shaky hands unlocked the door. "Wait!" I shouted for her to stop. The door creaked open. "I need two boys to help me bring him inside." she instructed and two boys followed. One hooked his arms under the injured man's shoulders and the other boy grabbed the man's legs, bringing him into the classroom.

My heart dropped when I saw the state of him. There was a big hole in his neck and one of his arms was completely gone. Miss Evie fell to her knees and started giving the man CPR. The boys that dragged him in stood with her. "Miss... I don't thin-" a boy tried to reason with her. "We have to try! We left him out there it's our fault!" Tears started streaming down her cheeks. Her body moved up and down while she pushed on the student's chest. "He already bled out..." the other boy whispered.

Miss Evie turned her head toward the boy. "We can't just give up! We-"


She slowly looked down at where the sound came from. She shrieked and ripped her arm away from the man. The agonizing pain made her unable to think straight she just stared at her wound. "Did he just?!" "HE FUCKING BIT HER!!" students yelled. There were bite marks on her wrist and blood was dripping down her pale skin. Her chest was heaving.

The man started crawling towards her, leaving a blood trail. She was too panicked to notice him getting closer and closer to her. Students screamed and some ran out of the class.

I was one of those students. My feet moved before my mind could think.

I bolted through the halls, hearing Miss Evie let out the most blood-curdling scream. My eyes shut when I felt tears filling them. I am a coward but I don't care. I need to find my family. Continuing to sprint until I accidentally bumped into something. My body fell to the ground and I landed on my ass. "Fuck." I whispered under my breath. "Raven?" A croaky voice caught my attention. I looked up and saw-

"Cole?!" I gasped in a surprised voice. His body jumped at my loudness. He quickly placed a finger on my lips and his own. "Shhhhh." his head turned as he listened for any odd sounds around us. After a moment he let out a breath and looked me in the eyes and firmly held my arm. "You need to be quiet, okay?" His black eyes were boring into mine. "There's something weird going on..." he continued.

"No shit. I saw my teacher get bit by a dead guy." I groaned, the events replaying in my head. "Fuck..." he said in a breathy voice followed by his hand brushing through his soft black hair. "We can't stay here. It's not safe." he swiftly stood up and offered me a hand.

I accepted, taking a hold of his calloused hand. We started walking - aiming to find an exit. "I saw those 'things' chasing someone.... they fell out the second-story window." He murmured. "What the actual fuck is going on?" I asked not expecting an explanation. "I'm not sure I thought it was just a drill or a prank." His voice was low. "Me too." I simply added.

When I looked down I noticed he never let my hand go. My hand squeezed around his and he gave me a squeeze back causing butterflies to swarm in my stomach.

Cole was my best friend. I met him in 8th grade and ever since we didn't leave each other's side. He made me always feel safe around him. Not to mention he rolled the best joints in the whole school.

As we walked I couldn't help but stare at him - admiring him. His black hair curled on his cheeks and his neck. Fuck his wolf cut looks so good on him. My eyes traveled down to his other hand. He held a long bloody object. "What's that?" I asked, pointing to his hand. He followed my eyes and held up the object. "It's a baseball bat." He curtly replied. "Why-" he cut me off "Why is it so bloody? I had to beat the shit out of one of those things." He stated in a monotone voice.

He saw me eyeing him, hinting for him to tell me more. "It's a long story." He let out a breathy chuckle. How is it he can always stay so calm?

We saw a glass door at the end of the hall. "Finally an exit." He smirked, his fangs showing. "Wait. Why haven't we seen anyone?" I halted. Cole looked around suspiciously. "You're right. The whole place was swarmed before I found you." C murmured.


A loud banging right next to me made me let out a yelp. A person was banging on the window. Their bloody hands staining the glass. Cole pushed me behind him - his hands tightened around the bat. The glass started cracking. "Let me take care of it." he insisted. My head turned to where we came from. More and more of those things started appearing.

I tugged on his sleeve. "C, look!" I explained. His head turned to where I was looking. "Fuck." a whole horde started appearing out of nowhere. "The sound must've attracted them. We have to hurry!" he yelled and grabbed my hand. We sprinted as fast as we could hearing the cries of the dead.

Finally, reaching the door I wrapped my shaky hands around the handle and yanked it as hard as I could. C stood behind me with his bat brought up. "F-fuck it won't open!!" I stuttered panic taking over. His head turned to the door. "Okay, get behind me." I followed his instructions. He swung the bat, shattering the glass into tiny pieces.

"C'mon!" He yelled and stepped through the door frame and I copied his actions. I looked behind me and saw that the horde had closed in on us. "Get to the gate!" We rushed around the corner, only to see another horde. I grabbed Cole "There is another way it's behind the football field!" I stated while running with him behind me.

We made our way across the green field and we could finally see the gate. "IT'S CLEAR!" I rejoiced. "FUCK YEAH!" He cheered with me. Finally, reaching the black steel gate we looked behind us, seeing the massive horde that has formed. "We have to climb over it. There won't be time to close it." I spoke. "Right, here." he crouched down placing his hand over the other. "I'll give you a boost." I stepped onto his hands and he pushed me over the edge of the fence, landing me on the other side. "Can you climb it?" I asked worriedly.

He gave me a cheeky smirk. "Have you met me?" He swiftly hoisted himself up and over the gate and landed right in front of me, the smirk still on his face. "See?" he mocked me. "Whatever. I could do that too." I murmured. "That was that?" he teased. "Nothing let's go." I ordered him and turned my back to him. I didn't hear him move so I turned to him again with a confused look. "I... Cant, Raven. I need to see my family." his voice cracked.

"Wha-" he cut me off once again. "I have a little sister. I'm sorry." I could hear the sadness and worry in his voice. I walked up to him. "I understand." I gave him a soft smile. He looked down at the ground so I held his chin gently forcing him to look up at me. He took my hand that was holding his chin. "Promise me." He started. "Promise you will survive." he gave me a worried look. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him and hug him. "I promise." his arms snaked around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder.

The horde reached the gate and started rattling against it. I tapped him and he let me go. As much as I wanted to hold him forever - We had to go.

We separated from each other and walked to the road. I started walking away from him until I heard him yell.

"Find me!"

Waving his arm in the air. His shirt lifting exposed his abs and stomach. He had a big grin on his face.

I waved back at him. "Dumbass." I whispered to myself smiling.

Find me - The whole world is haunted Where stories live. Discover now