Chapter 4- School Dance?!

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A/N: Yay! I'm going to New York tomorrow! I'm so excited! Not much else to say... So onwards!

When Jake heard that his girlfriend and principal suspected that his older brother was an evil villain, he was not happy. Didn't they think that he knew his brother properly enough to tell if he was hiding something? What he couldn't admit was that they were probably right. The evidence all seemed to point towards it, and Jake did seem suspecting of his brother for the past few days.

Suddenly, he heard his dorm room door creak open. He looked up to see Ivan standing in the doorway.

"May I come in?" he asked.

Jake shrugged, which Ivan seemed to take as a yes. Cautiously, he walked over and sat next to Jake on the bed.

"You know they have a point," he consoled, "All the events points towards it..."

Jake leaned back on the bed and wiped away a few tears. "I know," he whispered, "But... It's just not him! He doesn't- he wouldn't- He couldn't. It can't be him."

Ivan seemed at loss of words. After hesitating for a few moments, he said, "Even if it's not him, the Dark Master is still a threat, and Emma can't defeat him on her own."

"Emma!" Jake remembered how he had suddenly left her in the middle of their planning session.

"She's fine, just waiting for you downstairs."

Quickly, Jake splashed some water on his face and dashed downstairs, immediately running into Emma. She steadied him and put her hands on his shoulders.

"You okay?" she asked, concerned.

He tried for his most charming smile. "Um, yeah I'm fine. Do you want to finish planning or-?"

Emma shook her head. "I think that's enough for today. I talked to the principal and he says not to worry. We'll come up with something tomorrow."

Jake spotted someone behind her. Craning to see who it was, he looked over Emma's shoulder. It was three of her friends: Nina, Katie, and Liz.

Katie turned towards Emma. "What happened? I thought you had the rest of the day off?"

Emma seemed unsure how to answer. "Well, I was supposed to but the principal called and..." She looked at Jake for help.

"He just wanted to discuss how our tutoring was going," finished Jake.

Liz looked back and forth between the two and grinned. "Or is it about how much you've been kissing in front of the students?" she joked, glancing at their entwined hands.

"Ha-ha," laughed Emma sarcastically, dropping her hand down, "Very funny. Anyway, what's wrong? Why did you come to find us?"

"Well, you see," started Nina, "There's a school dance on Saturday, so tomorrow, and we were wondering if you and Jake wanted to go. Just to, you know, take off all the stress and everything."

"Erm..." Emma glanced at her boyfriend, "Well..."

"Saturday, huh?" he stalled, "That's an odd day..."

Jake knew how much Emma hated school dances, but Nina was right. They needed a stress relief. Plus, he was curious. He had never been to a school dance, and most certainly not with his girlfriend. Mischievously grinning at her, he replied, "We would love to go."

"We?" asked Nina, "So you're going together?"

"Um," said Emma, "I guess we are. But no worries, I'll make sure to do the Cupid Shuffle with you guys."

Laughing, Liz commented, "Well don't get too naughty then!" Then, the three girls walked away, giggling to themselves. Jake never thought Emma's friends were the giggling type, but who knew?

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