Chapter 19- The Final Battle

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A/N: All I have to say is DUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNNN!!!! Also I got an Instagram finally so yay!
"What were you thinking?" Jake asked, exasperated. "He could've killed you. You're lucky he wasn't used to using that long-sword!"

             Emma sighed. "I didn't fight him that much anyway. And if it helps, I am feeling better. I'll probably be able to fight tomorrow."

            "Good," Jake muttered. Then, hints of red creeped up his face and he continued, "By the way, you were really good out there. Yanno, fighting in a dress and heels."

            Ivan laughed and translated, "I think what he means is that he thinks you looked really hot being all commando and stuff." When Jake glared at him, he added, "At least, that's what he said. Don't worry I have a girlfriend, Jake. I'm not hitting on her."

            Liz and Emma laughed at that last part. Bidding them goodbye, Ivan and Liz left to go watch a movie. Taking Emma's hand, Jake walked her to the car.

            "So you think I looked hot out there fighting, huh?"

            Jake groaned. "I swear I'm going kill Ivan..."


            The next morning, both ninjas immediately woke up and threw on their ninja suits. Emma headed downstairs and spotted Jake in the cafeteria, grabbing a quick breakfast before training for the battle. Joining him, she sat at a fairly empty table.

            "Ready for the big day?" she asked.

            Jake nodded. "Can you believe the last time we prepared for a big fight, we were fighting each other?"

            Emma laughed. "I was so nervous then. You seemed so confident and I thought you were totally going to own me!"

            Jake rolled his eyes, "As if. You fought so well." He took a look at his watch and frowned. "It's time to go," he announced shakily.

            Emma placed a kiss on his cheek and he brightened. "Don't worry," she muttered, mostly trying to convince herself. "We'll win."

            Jake shook his head. "With a fight like this," he contemplated. "What's the meaning of winning?"


            "Um, where is he?" asked Emma. They had searched throughout the whole forest and neither the Dark Master, nor either of his goons were in sight. Where could they be?

            Jake furrowed his eyebrows. "What time did you tell them to come here?" he clarified.

            "In the afternoon..." she trailed off. She hadn't specified a time in the afternoon, so how could she expect them to come here? Emma smacked her forehead, frustrated with her own ignorance.

            Jake placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay," he consoled. "We can just come back another time."

            "Or you can fight me now." A deep voice echoed through the woods. The Dark Master had returned.

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