Chapter 10- Materials? Who Needs Materials? Oh yeah. Us.

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A/N: My cousins are gone and I miss them so much!! :( But nonetheless, I have a chapter for you! Here ya go!

After days of searching, sleepless nights of worry, and hours of training, Emma and Jake finally found what they were looking for. They were ready to track down the Dark Master. There was only one minor problem...

"We need to collect materials?"

The principal nodded at both exasperated teens. "We don't have a Captrenseize Jar to trap the Dark Master's spirit. That's the only way to capture him. You need to collect everything that's on this list, or we can't assemble the Jar."

"There are over one hundred items on this list to collect!" cried Emma, while Jake looked ready to pull his hair out. Emma hoped he wouldn't. He had such amazing soft, golden locks that glittered in the sunlight like a ray of light at the end of a dark cave. Not the time, Emma! Not the time...

The principal sighed. "And over sixty of those items are already in our gymnasium for use during obstacle courses. Twenty are in the teachers' lounge. Ten are in the student's lounge. That leaves you with only ten to collect."

"Ten materials that could be found anywhere in our city," Jake pointed out.

The principal reached into his pocket and pulled out a map. "This is the whole city. It's pretty small. Most of it is buildings and apartments and our school is at the east side, which is why the Dark Master could have only entered the forest. Chances are you're going to find five of the ten materials in the nearest ninja college. The rest will be scattered around the library, grocery store, swimming pool, and central park. It won't be that hard."

Once more, Emma and Jake rolled their eyes. Jake leaned over Emma's shoulder to read the list. He grabbed a pen and began crossing off all the items that could be found in the school. Afterwards, they were left with ten items.

1. The feather of a jet-black raven dipped in the Fountain of Goodwill.

2. A small bottle of sodium-hydroxide

3. Orange fade-ink on crumpled papyrus

4. A piece of fabric from the Ninja Suit of invisibility

5. An iron bar from the Prison of Ninjas

6. Three avocado seeds center-fused with apple skin

7. The gold cap at the bottom of the Ninja Swimming pool

8. A hair from the head of the current Ninja Master

9. A drop of blood from the host of the spirit you want to capture

10. Pure laughter.

Emma reread the list a few times to make sense of it. Even afterwards, some of it was completely confusing. Pure laughter? What was that? And since there were two Ninja Masters, whose hair would they use? She didn't realize she was saying all of this out loud until she heard a response.

"Yes you will use both your hairs. It needs the powerful essence that only the both of you can contribute," answered the principal, "and this bottle is used to contain pure laughter. Pure laughter is, well, the sound of happiness. You'll know it when you here it. It's the sound that escapes your lips when you feel finally content with the world, when you feel like you're floating up in the sky, when you're happier than you have ever been before."

Jake laughed, "Wow, you should be a poet."

"Well that notion makes me extremely flattered."

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