Chapter 2- Lunchtime and Some Surprises

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A/N: I'm going to Florida! Disney world to be exact. I won't be able to post for a while, but I'll be back soon! Now onwards!

After watching Lucy ace her test, Emma and Jake took a walk around the city and stopped by an Italian restaurant. Fortunately, it was somewhat empty so they didn't need a reservation. As they sat down, Emma began talking.

"I hope Lucy graduates."

Jake smiled, "Yeah so do I. She's been doing extremely well. I think she's our best student. Reminds me of you..." he winked.

Emma laughed, "Yeah, you were pretty good too. By the way, it is weird that things have been so calm for the past few months?"

"I suppose we should be happy about that, but," he shrugged, "I think it's a bit abnormal."

Emma smiled, "Oh well. Let's just enjoy today, right?"

"Right," replied Jake, taking her hand across the table. After finishing their pizzas and pastas, the couple left.

The two decided to take a walk around the city before going home. Hand in hand, they enjoyed the cool air and quiet atmosphere.

Suddenly, Emma's cellphone rang. Surprised, since she rarely got calls at this time, she picked it up. After a few nods and "Sure's", she ended the call, with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" asked a concerned Jake.

The expression didn't leave her face, "It was the principal. He needs us immediately. Something about and important mission..."

Jake looked surprised, but nodded, "Okay... I guess we'd better go to the school then."

The two turned around and made their way back to the school. Upon reaching there, they ran into one of their students, Andrew Roberts.

"The principal needs you immediately," he conveyed.

"Yes, I heard," began Emma, "By the way, how was the test?"

Andrew grinned, "Oh it was extremely easy Miss Emma. I passed with flying colors!"

Jake gave the boy a big high-five and began walking toward the doors, "Great job! But we better get going now."

With that, the couple walked into the bustling building, wondering what in the world was in store for them this time.


When they reached the office, they found the principal sitting behind his desk, hands clasped, a tense expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" asked Emma, moving to sit in front of the desk.

The tense expression didn't leave his face as he began speaking. "I am sure you both remember that part of this school used to take part in an organization called the Warriors," he started, choosing his words extremely carefully.

The two nodded.

"That organization has been revived, so to say, and is lead by a man who calls himself 'The Dark Master.' Just an hour ago, we received this letter from them."

Leaning forward Jake took a look at the note. It was scribbled on from top to bottom, with a messy script, many words added in the margins. He remembered that script from somewhere...

"Dear (not really) Ninjas,

I am sure you remember your recent fight with us the Warriors. I do have to congratulate and chide Emma Andros and little Jake Isop for coming up with such a solution. Congrats because they gave me this opportunity. Chide because it was definetly not the right thing to do. The Warriors have come back, this time stronger than ever. You have 336 hours to change things back to the way they were, and surrender Emma and little Jake to me. Fail to do so and you will face the consequences, which I may warn, are not so pleasant. Meet me at the forever evergreen tree in front of the Italian restaurant on 6th Avenue. It seems both Emma and Jake are extremely fond of that place.

Hope to see you soon!

-Pet The Dark Master, Leader of the Samurai."

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