Rant 18 - Was Hermione a Ravenclaw?

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Was Hermione a Ravenclaw? That's a really good question.

I don't think Hermione belonged in Ravenclaw. Yes, she was very intelligent and that is a characteristic of Ravenclaws, but her bravery showed through more in a sense. The sorting hat is NEVER wrong ;). 

I do think she had a lot of Ravenclaw qualities, but she just didn't belong there. It wasn't for her, it will never be for her. Gryffindor is where she belongs. Now, don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have Hermione in my house, but she's just not meant to be there. 

I do believe she maybe COULD have been Ravenclaw, and you could easily write her as a Ravenclaw. Her bravery and resilience is just too seen and known for her to be Ravenclaw. 

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