Rant 17 - Lavender Brown

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Not a fan of Lavender, personally. I love her name, it's gorgeous. She's gorgeous. I just don't overly like her. I didn't connect with her as much as the other characters.

I thought her relationship with Ron was cute! I knew it wouldn't last, and I knew Ron and Hermione were made for eachother, but they really were so cute! What I didn't like, however, was how Hermione handled her jealousy. I wish she could've said something sooner about how she was feeling. She was so mad at Ron for being in a relationship.

Another thing I don't like about Lavender, is how she was so obsessive. As cute as her relationship with Ron was, it was definitely toxic and obsessive.

I think that's all I really have to say about Lavender. Hope you enjoyeddddd!

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