Rant 20 - Umbridge

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Oh. My. God.

I hate Dolores Umbridge with a BURNING passion. I hate her. She's so annoying.

But, in a way, I sort of relate to her? I love the color pink, I love cats and I have strong beliefs. She is a confident woman. We love a confident woman. But she took her confidence too far and put the lives of so many people in danger, which was definitely not worth it.

I'm glad she was able to rot in Azkaban where she belongs. 

I strongly dislike her way of punishing kids, but that one part with Fred and George talking to that little boy was so cute. And when they set off those fireworks. God, I love those twins. 

I think the next chapter will be about the twins actually. That's a goo idea. Stay tuned for that!

Harry Potter RantsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora