Rant 19 - Severus Snape

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Okayyyy! Today, we're talking about Snape-azoid. 

I don't understand why people liked him so much, but I totally understand why at the same time. He was totally a girlboss, but I do have some mixed emoitions about him. 

Of course, he's a good character, but his lust for Lily ruined everything. Yeah, it did add more depth to his character and more depth to the plot itself, but I don't like that little detail. I do like his bravery. His bravery was the best part of his character.

This one isn't as good as the others, but it's all I could think of for now. Leave more suggestions, PLEASEEEE!!!

Kika, signing off ;)

Harry Potter RantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora