___: go aang! woo!

i couldnt help but smile.

ive been riding the coy for a while. i turn my head to see ___ running off.

me: aw man.

i was trying to impress her. and she doesnt seem intrested.i got a little sad. sigh guess i should get going. i all of a sudden hear shouting. i turn to see katara sokka AND ___! waving at me. but then the coy throws me off its back and i fall in the water. then some huge lizard sea snake comes out of no where... wait a minute.... lizard sea snake!!!

i start screaming and running for my life. i made it to land. but i crashed into a tree or something

___: aang, are you ok

man her voice, its like the sound of angels... wait what

end of pov

___ pov

one minute im gone one minute, making sure appa doesnt eat something he shouldnt. and i come back to sokka and katara screaming for aang to get out of the water. oh agni what is that thing. then we all try to get his attention with no avail, he thinks we are cheering him on. luckly he made it out in time.

me: aang are you ok

aang: yeah im fine

katara: what was that thing

i knew what it was, that was the unagi, the unagi is a large, very very large sea serpant, it lives among the waters of the kioshi village on kioshi island. we HAVE to be on kioshi. but, i didnt get to say it out loud because...

sokka: i dont know, but i dont want to stick around to find out.

just then we heard him muffle then a girl huffing.... we're being ambushed.

i was just about to bend when i was hit on the head. i blacked out.

hu. my head hurts, great, whoever ambushed us also blindfolded us. and tied us up.

male ?: who are you, what are you doing here

female ?: and i suggest you answer or we'll throw you back into the water with the unagi.

sokka: show yourselves cowards

we are nolonger masked. oh my agni, the kioshi worriers... this would be so cool if i wasnt tied up and possibly on a death sentence.

female: now what are you doing here.

sokka: where are the men that ambushed us.

female: there are no men, we ambused you

sokka: no, there is NO way we nor i were taken out by a bunch of girls.

the kioshi worriors look offended. even i am. and im sure kat is to.

me: sokka. do you know who these girls are. these girls are the honnorable kioshi worriors. man i am so thrilled to meat you, tho it would be better if i wasnt tide to this pole, big fan. sokka these girls are the worriors of kioshi island and village. they wear there uniforms and makeup to represent avatar kioshi. they practice her fan tecknic and use that style to block there eponents. even without airbending the stratagy is very usefull. ive always wanted to learn it incase i was ever chi blocked, you know for a back up....... sorry im ranting.

female: its fine.... your a smart girl, how do you know about us.

me: every now and then i sneek away from the north pole to go ANYWHERE with knowledge books fliers anything. i love to read. like i said before, big fan of your work.

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