10.The Sun Will Keep On Shining (Epilogue)

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The Sun Bathing In The Moonlight


10.The Sun Will Keep On Shining (Epilogue)

A few years later.

Kenma and Shoyo's relationship stayed strong through the distance and the years. They made sure to talk and text each other everyday and whenever they got a chance, they would visit each other, making sure they made the most of the time they were able to spend by each other's side.

Today, Kenma was waiting expectantly for Shoyo's return. He was sitting on a bench on the airport as he played with his phone when he received a text from him.

'Hey handsome'

'When are you arriving?'




'What? '

'I love you:)'

'Me too:)'

'Turn around:)'

Almost dropping his phone to the ground Kenma got off his seat and turned around looking in all directions, startling the people sitting beside him.

His eyes immediately locked on the boy he's loved so much through the years. Shoyo was standing a few meters away from him with his usual smile as he waved at him. His orange hair a bit shorter but still as fluffy and wavy as ever, he was wearing black jeans and a white hoodie, carrying a big bag with his luggage. Kenma noticed he seemed stronger, taller and his skin was tanner, he also had a more mature air around him, but he still was his Shoyo, his little ray of sunlight that lit up his life.

Feeling the weight of the distance and time they spent apart hitting on him as he saw him again, he felt a sudden need and desperation to have him close. Without thinking, Kenma started running towards Shoyo, when he was a few steps away from him Kenma jumps throwing himself at Shoyo. He opens his arms wide to take Kenma in and has no trouble receiving him, he doesn't even stutter a bit when Kenma's weight lands on him.

Shoyo's arms tighten around Kenma as he gives him a strong hug while he lifts him off the ground. He burries his face on Kenma's shoulder for a moment before he looks up at him and quickly finds his mouth. Shoyo goes in for Kenma's lips with a hungry and desperate kiss, Kenma doesn't complain and accepts him quickly, responding with the same desperation as his lips move against Shoyo's. Once they both are out of breath they reluctantly pull away and Shoyo carefully places Kenma down on the floor.

"I'm back!" Shoyo announces with a wide smile.

"Welcome back, Shoyo." Kenma replies with a warm smile. Feeling like the happiest person alive now that he has Shoyo back on his side. He can now see him and touch him.

"I missed you so much," Shoyo admits, his voice cracking up a little bit as he takes a moment to look clearly at Kenma.

"I missed you too," Kenma confesses trying to contain his emotions, "How was Brazil?"

"It was hard so far away from you," Shoyo says, "But it was alright. I learned and improved a lot."

Kenma still sees the same fire on Shoyo's eyes that he had when he was still in high school. Always desperate and hungry for more. Always striving to improve and get better at the sport he loved so much. Kenma was just glad he was able to accompany Shoyo during this journey. He had supported him since then and he would continue to do so because he knew and believed that Shoyo would just keep on flying even higher. Reaching heights no one has ever touched before. He was so proud of all the things his boyfriend had achieved, it gave him so much joy to see how the little boy that he used to be has now turned into a strong, calm and wise person. But what made him the happiest, was the fact that this amazing and capable man loved him and even with all of Kenma's shortcuts, he still wanted to be with him and had stayed by his side for all these years, and hopefully he would do the same for the years to come.

"I'm really happy for you Shoyo, and I'm glad it was a good trip," Kenma says honestly.

Shoyo smiles with his beautiful face, leaving Kenma breathless. That smile makes Kenma fall all over again for Shoyo.

"Let's go home, Shoyo." Kenma says as he puts his hand in front him.

"Yeah!" Shoyo replies happily as he takes Kenma's hand in his and intertwines their fingers together, gripping his hand tightly into his.

They walk out of the airport together hand in hand, heading towards their home where they can finally be together, without worrying about the distance keeping them apart no more. To the place where the sun will keep on shining on them for the many years that they have ahead of them.  

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