7. Losing Hope

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The Sun Bathing In The Moonlight


7.Losing Hope

That night, Kenma slept like a log. All of his teammates tried to wake him up the next morning but none of them were successful. They finally managed to make him open his eyes only when Yaku opened the curtains, allowing the sunray to hit directly on Kenma's face. Kenma groaned and rolled over to the other side, pulling his blanket over his head to cover all of his body, causing all the muscles in his body to ache with this action. To prevent any more pain to travel though his body he stayed in that position, not willing to move even an inch more.

Just as the pain was beginning to fade away, Yamamoto and Kuro pulled away his blanket, pulling Kenma's arms along with it, sending a new wave of pain through them. Kenma complained with his eyes still closed.

"Kenma, get up now!" Yaku orders.

"C'mon man, we'll be late," Yamamoto adds.

"If you don't get up on your own we will use force," says Kuro, making Kenma worry a little bit because he knew well that his friend wasn't joking. But despite the previous warning he still wasn't able to find the strength to move.

"Fine, bring our human claw inside." Yaku speaks again, motioning for them to open the door.

Kenma gathered all of his strength to open one of his eyes to see what was happening. He saw Yamamoto opening the door of their dormitory. Lev who was standing there entered the room as soon as Yaku ordered it. With three wide steps he was already standing next to where Kenma was laying.

"I'm sorry, Kenma-san" Lev says with a slight bow.

Then he reached down and easily lifted Kenma from the ground, throwing him over his shoulder.

Kenma tried to run away but the pain in his muscles didn't allow him to put up much of a fight and Lev strength was more than his. Kuro reached his hand towards Kenma's blanket that was wrapped around his leg and tossed it to the floor. Lev adjusted Kenma on his shoulder and waited patiently for instructions.

"Okay! Let's move out" Yaku commands, pointing towards the door.

"Yes, sir!" replies Lev as he starts walking, making Kenma feel dizzy from the sudden movement.

Yaku was the first one to step out, followed by Lev with Kenma on his shoulder, Kuro and Yamamoto came out and stood behind them, as if they were guarding them. Being displayed like that by his teammates Kenma felt ridiculous.

"Now, let's go feed our brain so we can exploit it again today!" Yaku shouts, his voice resonates through the hall, making some faces pop out from the neighboring rooms.

"Guys, cut it out already," Kenma complains, "I got it already, okay? I'm awake now, I can walk by myself."

"We can't have you running away Kenma" Yamamoto says walking behind them.

"Besides," Kuro adds, "we heard yesterday from Chibi-chan that you stayed over for extra practice with him, you probably can't move and inch right now, so just enjoy your ride comfortably and save your energy for later"

'Damn them all ' , Kenma thought as he shot daggers through his eyes towards Kuro who was watching him with an entertain expression. These bastards were clearly enjoying this more than they should.

"They're right Kenma," Yaku speaks from the front "Just focus on conserving your energy, you'll need it for the games. We won't allow you to slack off today just because you decided to have a little after practice date last night."

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