5. Operation Summer Camp Start

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The Sun Bathing In The Moonlight


5.Operation Summer Camp Start

The week was finally coming to an end, Nekoma was wrapping up their last practice prior to the training camp.

"Okay everybody, let's wrap up and then gather for our meeting!" said Kuro in a voice loud enough to be heard by everyone while he clapped his hands together to motion for everybody to hurry.

Once they were finished, they all gathered around and waited for Kuro to start speaking.

"So, let's discuss our plan and goals for this year's camp," he said with a wide smile and Kenma groaned internally knowing they would all say unreasonable things and make end up making this camp even more exhausting than it already was.

After a few minutes of discussion between the team in which Kenma just remained silent and watch patiently they finally settled on their goal: be the team with most games won and avoid having to do any penalties. Kenma couldn't even be bothered with this because he knew that it was not a reasonable nor possible goal to begin with. In a volleyball match you can't be certain of anything, they could play to the best of their abilities and even then, victory wouldn't be a given, they should just focus on keeping themselves together as a team and just be themselves rather than making unreasonable demands, but Kenma didn't feel like pointing this out and just pretended to agree with them quietly. Besides, he had other plans for the upcoming summer camp, which was to get spend time with Shoyo, but just the two of them alone with no one else around. He wasn't hoping for anything grand like Shoyo reciprocating his feelings, he wasn't even thinking about telling his own feelings to Shoyo because it's not like he was expecting something out of Shoyo, he couldn't even imagine filling his head with something other than volleyball. He just wanted to enjoy his company, he just really wanted to see him.

And it's not like he didn't get to see him or talk to him last weekend but during all that time there had always been someone else with them or around them and adding the torture he had to endure these past few days they didn't contact each other he was feeling so restless and anxious that he felt he had to do something to somehow close the distance that had appeared between them during this past week and bring them closer again. He wanted to create a space and a moment just for the two of them, where he could have all of Shoyo's attention just for him. He wanted a moment where he wouldn't think of anything else besides him, Kenma wanted all of Shoyo's to be on him and no one else.

He was aware that just by wishing for this he was already being too greedy, but he couldn't help it, he knew that if he didn't do anything, Shoyo would just slip away from him to a far away place where Kenma wouldn't be able to reach him again anymore. Just the thought of it terrified him and made him want to throw up. Which is why he was determined to succeed with his plan during the following week, no matter what it takes.

He went back home and quickly prepared to go to bed but sleep just wouldn't come to him. He was kept awake with different fake scenarios that his mind kept replying of tomorrow's meeting with Shoyo. He knew he had to act as quickly as he could because if he dragged it for too long, he might end up chickening out of it, but he also didn't want to be too aggressive and creep out Shoyo. He had to be observant of their surroundings, read the mood and Shoyo and find the right time to carry out his plan.

While he was staring at the ceiling of his room and running another simulation of how he would greet Shoyo tomorrow his phone screen lit up in his dark room, hurting his eyes before he blinked a few times and adjusted to the blinding light of the screen. He unlocked it and a chat immediately popped open.

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