Chapter 22

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Third Person's Pov

"Where's Haris?" Mira asked as soon she realizes that they should be together fishing.

Nicholas only stood in silence and gave the note to Laxus who was near him.

All of them stood up as Laxus took the note.

"Read it out loud." Erza said.

"Nicholas, I'm in great danger and tell the teens in my house that they are too. Have them call Macarov through the lacrima which I placed in my room."

Laxus finishes reading the note. "That's it."

"Wha- how is he in danger?" Gray asked, confused.

"Some men said they were members of fairy tail and they need him to come with them." Nicholas answered.

"Oh my, this is bad." Juvia started to panic.

"Calm down," Gray tried to calm her down by holding her hand gently.

"What would they want from him?" Nicholas asked in curiousity. "First, all of you then now those men, what's with fairy tail?" Nicholas added, anger started to hint on his voice.

"We also don't know what's happening." Erza spoke in honesty. "All we wanted is some answers on how to get in Tenrou from Haris, that's it. We don't know what those men wanted from him."

"Maybe he have some fishy business with them?" Gajeel said, trying to defend the blame. He thinks that Nicholas is blaming them.

"I don't think so." Haris replied. "I've known Haris for years and this is the very first time someone was looking for him. In fact, he also stated in his note that he's in danger and so is everyone of you." He added, somehow glaring the gang.

Jellal noticed the tension. He can also sense that Nicholas is blaming them for the captive of Haris. But, he can't blame him. Maybe it's their fault why Haris was tracked by the bad guys. But, what bothers him is that how come they can see him if only the fairy tail members can see him.

They aren't clearly members of fairy tail since he stated he is in great danger. But, again, what kind of danger?

"I think this have something to do with the jewel." Levy spoke in realization. Eyeing everyone, unsure what she just said.

Suddenly, it all hit them.

"What jewel?" Nicholas asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"But we are not sure about that Levy. We still don't know how they know Haris, how they can see him, and how they guarantee that Haris know about that jewel." Erza stated.

"Haris might definitely know about the jewel but your two how's was on point." Laxus replied to Erza.

Nicholas was dumbfounded.

"I think it's best to ask master." Jellal spoke, trying not to trigger Nicholas' continous frustration.

"I think so too." Gajeel agreed.

"I'll go get the lacrima, Gray, call Natsu and Lucy, they need to know about this." Jellal said in a serious tone.

Gray then went to call the Nalu couple whilst Jellal went to get the lacrima.

Nicholas felt outcast. He was unable to comprehend what was happening. He was concern for Haris, of course, he was like his brother.

Mira's Pov

I look at Nicholas to check on him but then his eyes caught mine. I gave him an apologetic look. If I were him, I will too will be worried sick.

However, this situation is starting to get serious. We are not expecting something like this would happen on our trip.

I hope those guys won't hurt Haris.

"Seriously?" Natsu said, arriving with Lucy and Gray. I think that Gray had already told them what had happened.

"Yeah, seriously." Gajeel replied while crossing his arms.

"Found it." Jellal also arrived holding the lacrima.

So, this is a lacrima. Just a round object? And wow, Jellal knew what a lacrima looks like.

"I'm amaze you know what a lacrima looks like." Erza said as soon she saw the lacrima. Wow, Erza and I had just shared thoughts.

"Well, good thing we went on that shop earlier, I saw a name tag on a round object saying lacrima." Jellal replied, with a proud look.

"So, how does that work?" Laxus asked.

Jellal clicked his tongue in disappointment. "And that is what I don't know."

"Any ideas Levy?" Lucy asked Levy.

Levy walks towards Jellal. He gently gave her the lacrima. "I haven't seen something like this but I all I know for sure is that we need magic to make this thing work."


"Are you serious right now, Levy?" Erza reacted in shock.

"I'm sure, I've read about lacrima in Mavis' journal during her trips." Levy responded.

"But we don't have any magic!" I exclaims. "How do we contact master right now?"

"Do you have any idea where to get some magic sir Nicholas? If it still exist in this island?" Lucy spoke without hesitation to Nicholas.

"Magic is no longer present in this island." He replied, disappointed. "And if it does, it will cost a lot of money to get one."

"So magic still exist" Laxus said. "Where can we buy one or hire one?"

"Wait!" Juvia suddenly exclaims which made us surprised.

"What is it, Juvia?" I asked curiously on what she could have thought about.

"Gray's aunt, Ultear. She might still have her magic, I mean she did told us she was a wizard before." Juvia explains.

"But she said she is no longer one." Gray answered back. "We are not sure if she still has her magic or not."

"She may be lying to hide her magic, Gray." Natsu said. "Just saying."

"Still, we don't have time to travel to Gray's aunt. It's already night time." Erza stated.

Juvia realized and agreed.

"So, do you have answer to my question, sir Nicholas?" Laxus questions back.

"I don't know anyone who have magic and I don't know where to find one." Nicholas answered. "I'm sorry."

Looks like he calmed down.

It was silent for a moment. Everyone was thinking for a possible solution until Jellal spoke.

"How about we ask Jura." Jellal suggested. We gave him a confused look, not knowing who Jura is.

"The owner of that shop?" Erza clarified and Jellal nodded his head.

"Why him?" Gajeel asked.

"I just remembered, he sells these types of keys which he said it was rare and only those celestial wizards can use them." Jellal answered.

We gave him an unsatisfied look.

"I mean, explain why him?" Gajeel asked again, not understanding why him and so do I.

"I think he knew a lot when it comes to wizard or magic things. We should try asking him." He explained.

Okay, I somehow gets it.

"But all shops might be closed now." Levy said.

"Shops are open up until 9pm. So I guess you kids can still ask him." Nicholas spoke.

Jellal nodded his head. "Alright, let's go."

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