Chapter 17

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Mira's Pov

"I can't believe this." Natsu said as he furiously chop the wood in front of him.

"Don't be such a child flamebrain." Gajeel rolled his eyes in annoyance.

So here's what happened, Haris can't tell us where the island is because someone ordered him and we got a feeling that master told him.


Haris nodded his head. "Of course I know where that island is."

All of us smiled, thinking we'll be able to get there today but what Haris said after made us confused.

"But I can't tell you where."

"Why not?" Erza asked confused.

"Yeah, we're fairy tail members?" Gajeel added.

Haris sighed. "I got a message, an order to be exact that I won't tell you where the island is."

"What!?" I exclaimed. "Who could've order you? Oh my gosh! Are we busted!?"

All of us looked at each other in panic.

"This is bad." Lucy muttered.

"I'm screwed." Jellal disappointedly facepalm.

"At least we all go together in detention." Natsu tried to brighten the mood.

"This can't be good in my records." Levy sighed sadly.

"I thought we all agreed to this and now you are all whining like a child." Laxus shook his head in disbelief. "I'm more in trouble y'know?"

"Tch, who exactly ordered you?" Gajeel confidently asked Haris.

Haris smiled. "I thought you already knew?"

And with that, we all concluded that it was the master who ordered him. We are all in trouble I guess.

End of Flashback...

As of now, we decided to stay here for a while to wait for Juvia and Gray.

Jellal and Erza went to the main village, specifically the entrance of this village to wait the arrival of the Gruvia couple. There's no signal here so we cannot tell where we are that's why.

Gajeel, Laxus, and Natsu was asked by Haris to chop some woods since there's no electricity here in his area and also we're planning on grilling the fishes Lucy had bought. Also, we decided to stay here for the night since this place of Haris is quite nice and it's basically near the ocean.

I volunteered to harvest some of his fresh berries because it looks tasty while Levy and Lucy went near the beach.

"You guys chop woods like girls." Laxus arrived with more woods.

"Uh excuse me?" I was offended since I was picking some berries beside them.

Laxus looked at me and winked. "Except for you."

"And Erza." Natsu added, looking scared.

"Where's shrimp by the way?" Gajeel asked me and I pointed the two girls sitting on the sand beside the beach.

Gajeel followed my hand and nodded his head. "Those two are talking again."

"And let me guess, about books?" Natsu stated.

"Yes." We all said in unison.

Levy's Pov

"Achoo!" Lucy and I sneeze in sync. We both look at each other and later laugh about it.

"That was unexpected." Lucy stated and I agreed.

"I know right." I chuckle.

What a coincidence.

"The beach looks nice." Lucy said as she went back on watching the ocean waves. "I told Natsu earlier that we should take a swim, wanna join? You can ask Gajeel too."

"Yeah sure." I smiled and it was a complete silence, just the sound of waves were heard.

When things go rough, Lucy and I bond together since we're the closest.

"So, are we gonna stop this adventure thingy?" Lucy asked, breaking the silence.

"Maybe?" I chuckled.

"My parents will surely ground me for a month once they knew about this." Lucy said as she grabs a nearby shell and admire it.

"That's rough." I replied. "I wonder what will happen to me once we came back to Fairy High." I look down and sighed.

"At least we get to have joyful memories before we graduate." Lucy said. "I mean, we ditch classes just to travel to find this Tenrou island. We are all together for this."

I smiled. "Yeah, that's the fun part."

"Hey you two." Mira showed up in front of us with a basket full of berries. "Want some?"

Lucy and I both happily enjoyed the berries as Mira joined our beach viewing.

"So what now?" Mira asked as she watched the ocean while munching a berry.

"I guess we should head back to Magnolia?" I answered.

Mira sighed as she looks at me. "Do you have any alternative plans aside from Haris, Levy?"

I look back at Mira with a confused look. Did she just ignored what I said?

She just smiled. "I don't want to go back to Magnolia without achieving our goal here which is to find Tenrou island. I mean, what's the point? We were already busted since day 1 and now we knew, are we still holding back?"

We were silent for a while until Lucy snapped her fingers.

"You got a point Mira." Lucy stated in realization as she looks at me too. "Going back is like giving up. We already travelled 2 days for this, we have already spent a lot of money, and I think we should continue to find this island. We were already in trouble in the first place, right?"

"Right!" Mira agreed.

Their words also made me realized our efforts. We already agreed in the first place to find this island and now we knew we're busted, we give up?

"You guys are so right!" I exclaim. "I can't believe I forgot about that."

"Thanks to Mira." Lucy smiled as we hugged each other.

"We are all in this together, alright?" Mira said as we broke the hug.

"Of course!"


"What you girls up to this time?" Gajeel showed up along with Natsu and Laxus. "We just finished chopping those woods if ya'll are wondering." Gajeel added as he and the boys sat beside us.

"We were talking about continuing this roadtrip to Tenrou." Lucy answered as me and Mira nodded our heads.

"Oh, we we're talking about that earlier too." Natsu replied.

"Yeah, I mean we all agreed to this in the first place knowing the consequences." Laxus spoke as he crossed his arms. "I don't care how gramps will react to this when we get back."

"Neither am I." Natsu agreed.

"And so am I." Gajeel added.

"So, us already decided to continue this trip." Mira spoke in happiness. "We'll just wait for Jerza and Gruvia couple to show up then and tell them our decisions."

"Yeah. Knowing Erza she'll totally agree with us." Natsu stated as we somehow agrees.

"But Jellal?" I asked.

"If Erza agrees then he will too." Laxus answered.

"How about Gray and Juvia?" I asked yet again. "What do you guys think?"

"Ice princess will definitely agree." Natsu replied. "And if he'll agree then so is Juvia."

"Obviously." Lucy said.

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