Chapter 19

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Third Person's Pov

"Finally, we're here." Gray exclaims as he and Juvia arrived at the entrance of De Luna village.

"Let me call Erza." Juvia said as she grabs her phone from her purse. "Oh there's no signal here."

Gray also took his phone to check but it was the same as Juvia. "This is bad, how can we contact them."

"I also don't know." Juvia replied as she hopefully gaze the village. Then her eyes caught a familiar scarlet hair.

"Juvia, Gray!" Erza yells upon seeing them.

Gray and Juvia sighed in relief.

"I know what you're thinking, there's no signal here so we decided to fetch you two here." Jellal explains as he and Erza stood in front of them.

"That explains." Gray said as he put some shades on. "So, have you guys saw Haris?"

"Yep, the others are at his place right now." Erza replied.

"I see, does Haris told you guys where Tenrou is?" Juvia asked.

Erza and Jellal both look each other then sighed. Gray and Juvia also glance at each other already knowing what to expect.

"We're guessing he did not tell you or he does not know where that island is?" Gray clarified as he crossed his arms.

"He knows where but he can't tell us." Jellal answered.

"How come?" Juvia asked a bit worried. She was reminded of what Gray's aunt told them. Maybe it is really dangerous to go there that's why Haris didn't tell them.

But, what Erza answered, made her more worried.

"Because master ordered him." Erza replied.

"What!?" Gray was surprised.

"Yep, we are all busted." Jellal chuckled. "First we ditch classes, second we stole the journal, and third, we tried to go to the sacred place of our school which is prohibited. I wonder, what kind of punishment is waiting for us when we come back."

"Oh dear," Juvia facepalmed.

"Well the fun part is we have each other." Erza smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

Juvia sighed. "True, does that mean we're going back to Magnolia?"

"I think so." Jellal answered.

Gray sighed. "And here I thought we were brave enough to ditch classes."

"Let's just discuss it with the others about it." Erza suggested. "Whether we'll go back or continue this adventure."

Juvia sighed. "Actually, Gray and I have also something to tell you guys."

Gray look at Juvia and then to the Jerza couple. "It's related to the island we're looking for."

"Tenrou?" Jellal clarified.

Gray hums in response. "It's something you guys need to know."

"Well, we better be going then." Erza said as they all went to Haris' place.

Levy's Pov

"How are the fishes going?" Mira asked the boys who were grilling the fishes.




"Natsu burned one fish."


Mira then went to check on them. We decided to grill some fishes for our lunch and the boys volunteered to do grill them.

Mira, Lucy, and I were fixing the tents.

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