Ayako jumped and managed to elbow the college student in the ribs while their group leader began to giggle like mad. Yasuhara stumbled backward with a grunt, but still wore a grin on his face. "I knew I should have stayed in Base," the priestess muttered as she continued forward, trying to ignore what sounded like scurrying by her feet.


"Haruna, we should go back."

The thought made Mai physically jump back from the wall. She had heard that voice before, in fact, she was hoping she would hear it again. There was something to this psychometry thing, she had to admit. She placed her hand against the wall again and she heard the voice again.

"Seriously, we should go back." It was Kenshin Moto, Mai was sure of it. She glanced up and was grateful no one had noticed she had been startled. She kept her fingers on the wall as she walked to keep up with the group. She just might find some answers.

"But what if she's in here, Kenshin? We have to find her." That was Haruna's voice and she sounded almost frantic.

"She might not be," Kenshin argued. "If she did die here, I doubt her body would still be here intact. She died forty years ago."

"Doesn't matter, I know she's here somewhere."

"This was supposed to be a relaxing vacation." Kenshin was muttering at this point. He was obviously fed up with this. "To de-stress especially after your dad died. Not to go investigating the disappearance of a girl only one person seems to remember."

"Kenshin!" Haruna had lost what little patience she had with her husband at that point. "I love you, but I need to do this. If you want to leave, go ahead, I'll see you back at the hotel later."

"Fat chance, this place isn't stable. We've passed several tunnels that had caved in. If I leave you, you might wander in one and I'll never find you."

"Gah!" Mai was torn from her concentration when she bumped into Monk's back. He was looking down at her suspiciously. "Why did we stop?"

"You kept mumbling to yourself," he replied still eyeing her. "Are you sure you're okay? It's not too late to turn back and get some rest at the hotel."

But it was, and they both knew it. They were so far into the tunnel there was no point in turning around and going back now. Besides, it wasn't like she was actually sick, she was having a vision. Or would you call it a walking vision? "I'm fine," she defended, crossing her arms. "I'm just trying to figure out why the Motos were so obsessed with Ms. Kikuchi's story. It's not like they were private investigators or anything like that. They were regular people digging into a forty year old cold case."

"Like us," Lin quipped, earning an odd look from Monk. Did he just make a joke? But Mai scowled at him.

"We're ghost hunters, research and investigating things is part of our job description," she argued with a pout.

"Actually, I believe it's written out as 'research and observe cases of the paranormal,'" Naru said monotonously. "At least that's what I remember writing in your contract."

Mai narrowed her eyes. They were all teasing her now and three against one just wasn't fair. She shook her head and decided to keep going forward, passing her co-assistant and boss, before placing her hand on the wall and gasping.

She was no longer in the tunnel. She was suddenly looking into a hospital room. A man was in a bed, groaning in pain, a young woman probably around eighteen sat by his side, holding his hand. Tears streamed down her face, as she seemed to be saying something. "Dad...Daddy..."

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