"I don't know, Naru woke me up," Mai said with a shrug. Ayako shook her head.

"That's because you were freaking out," she said with a huff. "I'm pretty sure we both thought you were having another nightmare-what's wrong with your wrist?"

Mai shifted her gaze to her hands, which were on top of the comforter. She knew the priestess was talking about the bloody bandaid on her wrist, but all the teen could see was how filthy she had become from wandering the caves. She made a face. "Ugh, I think I need a shower. I'm disgusting," she said with a scowl. It reminded the priestess of herself so she let out a chuckle.

"Think you'll be able to stand?" the woman asked. Mai thought about it, she wasn't she could if she were honest.

Her brows knitted together for a moment before she said, "Under the sink. There's a stool, I can sit on that."

Ayako nodded and stepped into the bathroom for a moment. When she came out, she slowly helped Mai sit up and walk into the bathroom. "Keep the door unlocked, if you start to feel woozy, let me know and I'll help you," she said before Mai nodded and closed the door.

The hot water washed her with relief once Mai stepped into the shower. She felt a whoosh of dizziness run through her, so she sat on the stool and continued to scrub off the layers of dirt and grime she had accumulated over the late few hours. She heard the bathroom door open and shut and figured Ayako was just checking on her. Once she was finished her shower she saw her pajamas sitting on the counter.

So that's what you came in for, Mai determined with a smile. She quickly changed and threw her still wet hair up in a towel. When she walked out, the bed was remade and a bowl of soup was sitting on the dresser. Ayako must have called housekeeping.

Ayako helped her to the bed, propping up pillows so the girl could sit up straight to eat her food. The priestess placed the tray on Mai's lap and she began to eat only to realize she was famished. She immediately took another spoonful when Ayako shook her head and sighed. "Did you even eat today?"

"Yeah, I-" she said after swallowing and then thought about it. "Actually, I think I haven't eaten since yesterday..."

"No wonder you passed out." Ayako shook her head again and stood up. "Keep eating, I'll be right back." And she stepped out into the hall without another word.

She pulled out her cell and gave another sigh. "I wonder if everyone updated him yet," she thought aloud as she dialed the number and waited for the connection.


"So there's a tunnel that leads to the caves and it's in the basement?" Yasuhara clarified, finishing his tea and placing the empty cup back on the table. Naru nodded in response.

"See? All the knocking I was doing wasn't irrational," Monk gloated to Madoka who rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I think we can safely assume that the spirit leaving the messages that said 'pretty' was Tomomi and since we solved what happened to her I think she'll move on quickly."

"But was she responsible for the more threatening messages?" Kiko asked, folding her arms. "I mean, we still have the spirits of the Moto couple to worry about since Mr. Mizushima did witness them specifically."

"Which brings the question, which spirit wrote on Naru and Mai's wall?" Madoka asked, leaning back in her seat.

"Excuse me?" Naru asked, snapping his head toward the woman.

"Did I forget to mention that?" the woman asked with a not guilty grin. Oops.


"While we were interviewing the maids one of them mentioned another room with a blood written message," Lin explained quickly as he typed on his laptop before turning it around. Everyone took a moment to read the words.

Dangerous SoulsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang