On the bright side, at least Mai got to see the garden in the daylight. The flowers were blooming and the path was bordered with bright orange flowers and light pink buds. The archways that led to different areas, like the fountain and gazebo, were covered in pink climbing roses. If she looked closely, she could see the Christmas lights woven through the vines. It was definitely beautiful, but Mai could see how the lights at night definitely added a more romantic feel. During the day, the scenery fell flat with Naru's disapproving glare at everything around them.

Well, I think that proves one theory, Mai thought as they both walked up to the fountain. The sunlight seemed to sparkle off the running water as it flowed out. Mai leaned over and looked at the koi fish that swam along the edge. She glanced up at her escort and his passive expression had not changed in the slightest, confirming her suspicions. I'm pretty sure Naru doesn't have a romantic bone in his body.

"Would you two like to take a picture?" a voice startled Mai as she whipped her head around to find the speaker. It was a middle-aged man who must have been the gardener. "If you have a phone or camera I'll gladly take your picture. The fountain is a favorite spot amongst our guests."

"That won't be-" Naru tried to decline, but Mai already had her phone out.

"That would be great, thank you, so much!" Mai said with a smile as she quickly showed the man how to use the camera feature on her phone. She rushed back to Naru's side, who was now even less amused than to begin with, and held onto his arm making sure her ring would be visible in the photo.

"Okay, smile!" The man took a few pictures of the couple before giving the boy in front of him a look. "At least pretend to like your wife, you're much too young to be unhappy in your marriage!"

Mai couldn't stop the laugh at escaped her lips. She was almost positive that this guy had been recruited by Madoka to make sure the "dates" went off without a hitch. She stood on tip toes and said softly just for Naru to hear, "Just do it, pretend you're having a little fun." She turned back to the man. "Take a few more, please!"

"Of course!" A few more pictures were taken before the phone was handed back to Mai and the gardener was back to his work. She slid the device back in her pocket, earning a peculiar look from her "husband."

Mai shrugged and walked down another pathway, forcing him to follow. Once he caught up, she remarked in a low voice, "Madoka's going to want proof. C'mon, it can't be that horrible to pose for a few pictures with me." She watched him raise his brows when he realized she had spoken in English.

She quickened her pace before he could respond. She never did see the slightest smirk grace his face.


"No." Ayako crossed her arms and damn near stomped her foot as Taro led one of the horses out of the barn. "You cannot make me."

"C'mon, Dear," Monk replied, nearly choking as he said the pet name. "Madoka and Juro went to a lot of trouble to setup this activity for us. I know you're not one for nature, but it'll be fun."

She gave him an icy glare. "You don't understand..." she said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, Spark is all set. He's our most tame horse, great for beginning riders," Taro said as Monk nudged the priestess forward. She flinched when the horse shook its head. The stable manager knitted his brow. "Are you afraid of horses?"

Ayako shook her head too quickly as she took a step back. Monk placed a hand on her shoulder and raised a brow. "Are you afraid of horses?"

She shook her head again. "I used to ride horses, but it was a very long time ago-"

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