Chapter 6

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It had been a couple months of Abigail working with the team and she was going on her first case. The team had picked up on a couple of her 'quirks', especially Derek and Garcia. Garcia discussed her concerns with him as they walked from her car to the building.

"I just want to help her, Derek, she's stopped hanging out with me. Last time I tried to get her to open up she was on the verge of tears and ran out of my office!' Garcia huffed.

Frustrated that her friendship with Abigail seemed to have come to a complete halt over the last few weeks. It had been going so well, till a month ago. Abigail had brought her coffee every morning and whatever baked goods that she was fixated on. Last month it was chocolate orange brownies, the month before that was lemon drizzle loaf.

Derek attempted to soothe Garcia, he understood Abigail was maybe going through a bit of a rough time and needed help but knew he was going to have to keep an eye on her as she was hurting his baby girl.

Just as they were about to enter the lift, they saw Abigail rushing towards them. She was breathing heavily as she entered and set her bag on the ground. Garcia and Morgan both turned to look at her before pressing the button for the BAU floor.

Abigail's POV

I just made it in time for the lift, I had woken up late and Matt had not been happy with his breakfast being late. I was scared about the punishment I was going to receive when I got home this evening. He had been very calm when he told me he would deal with me this evening. I just hope work would go smoothly for him and he'd come back in a better mood.

I didn't even notice Garcia and Morgan in the lift, my hands were shaking and I could feel my breathing get heavier. All of a sudden I felt the lift jerk to a stop and quickly looked up and saw Garcia and Morgan staring at me with worried expressions.
I tried to regulate my breathing but I was already aware that I was behind on my normal schedule and I was going to be even later if this lift didn't start moving!

'Abby just look at me and copy my breathing,' Derek said in a calm tone. He took a step towards me and I took a step back. His face didn't reflect how he was feeling before reaching over to the panels and pressing something that made the elevator start moving again. My breathing instantly started to calm down, even if the shaking was still there.

'Sorry,' I said once my breathing had settled. 'I'm so sorry, it won't happen again.'

Before they could reply the doors to the elevator opened and I grabbed my bags before dashing to an empty office.

I tried to settle my breathing and do my grounding techniques I had read about online.
Counting up in threes in my head, I slowly felt my self start to relax and my racing heart start to slow down.

I looked down at my watch, crap it was already close to 9am. I rushed towards Garcia's office to put my bags down and hope that I hadn't missed any briefings this morning. As I got closer to Garcia's office I could hear voices, my ears perked up at the sound of my name.

"Hotch, I think she needs a psych evaluation before we even consider her going into the field or at least a meeting with you to evaluate how suitable she is for this unit.' Derek said.

Before Hotch could reply you entered the room not wanting to hear his reply or give him time to consider those options. They looked slightly startled at your sudden entrance.

"Good morning Agent Hotchner, Morgan." you greeted as you moved further into Garcia's office to place your bags down.

"Abigail if it's alright we need to talk to you about your behaviour over the last few weeks." Hotch began. "We understand that it may be hard to open up to us, especially since it's only been a couple of months since you began working in this team full time but this team only works so well because we're honest with each other. We hope that you'll feel part of the team and be able to open up to us about anything."

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