Chapter 4 - Introductions 2.0

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Abigail opened her notepad while sitting at the round table, waiting for the rest of the team to filter in so that Garcia could start the case presentation. Garcia and Hotch were discussing the case. While Morgan sitting next to her, flipped through the crime scene pictures.

First came Rossi, who glanced at her while sipping his coffee. Then Emily and Spencer arrived both with coffee. Abigail could not understand how they indulged themselves in coffee all the time, she loved the smell of it but hated the taste. Reid took a seat next to her, so she was sandwiched between both him and Derek.

"Okay, first of all this is Abigail TBCLN, she will be helping out on cases. Now Garcia please present we are on a bit of at time crunch." Hotch stated, taking a seat next to Emily.

You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, as they all glanced at you when Hotch mentioned your name. Spencer sent you quick glance and gave you a once over. Emily flashed you a warm smile, while Rossi gave you a nod of approval or welcome.

Despite being a profiler Abigail was terrible at reading body language and non- verbal cues, she suspected that she was autistic but hadn't received a formal diagnosis. Sitting at this table, surrounded by all these intelligent people she felt nervous, she began shaking her leg being careful to not draw any attention to herself.

Garcia began presenting the case, bodies had turned up in a lifeguard station and the local police had requested help from the FBI. The team began speculating as to who was committing these crimes and why. As they managed to pull a few more details and set a plan in motion, Hotch said "Wheels up in 30," before looking over at Abigail, "Abigail can you join me in my office."

Looking up Abigail, immediately replied "Yes sir, I mean Hotch."
As she followed Hotch out of the conference room, she found herself thinking over all the things she could've done wrong since she had entered the office in the morning.

(Hitch's Office)

Pointing to the chair opposite his desk, in order to guide Abigail to sit down, Hotch closed his office door. OThis made Abigail nervous, she warily settled herself into the chair as Hotch reached into his desk, still standing.

"Abigail I'm aware that Section Chief Strauss is using you to keep an eye on us," He stated watching you closely for any reaction, "however I'm also aware you didn't have any other option except quitting if you didn't take her offer, while my team is not perfect we try our best. I don't know you're reasons for not being a field agent but you will work closely with Garcia and profile from here at Quantico. Understood?"

Abigail immediately nodded her head before asking " Am I excused sir?" As soon as Hotch gave her confirmation. She hastily exited the office, nearly knocking over Reid who was approaching the office.

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