Chapter 5 - Settling In

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A/N: Should this book be a slow burn or a fast romance?

Not edited

Reid extends a hand to Abigail who is lying on the ground after bumping into him.

"I'm so sorry Dr Reid," Abigail begins to profusely apologise to him. "I didn't see you there and I ..."

Reid interrupts Abigail, "Don't worry about it and you can call me Spencer." he flashes Abigail a smile.

(fun fact I love Spencer's teeth they're so straight and wonderful sigh:))

He walked over to the elevator, with his go bag in hand and a to go cup of coffee in the other hand. Abigail snapped herself out of staring at him and continued her rush to Garcia's office to relay some new information she had found that would help the case.

Knocking twice on the door of Garcia's office, Abigail heard a faint come in and the door buzz. Abigail loved Garcia's office it hard knicks and knacks everywhere but didn't look cluttered. She had always admired Garcia's style but would get so overwhelmed if she had to work with her desk like this. Looking around the office she saw a small desk in the corner with a computer and a cork board above it. Garcia had wanted her to feel at home and have a place where she could feel less overstimulated than the bullpen. She didn't know how Garcia had picked up on her little 'quirks' as she thought she had masked them well but she was grateful all the same.

"Thank you so much Pen, you didn't have to do this for me, if you need space or want to kick me out, just let me know I won't be offended or anything." Abigail gushed.

Penelope rolled her eyes and took off her headset, she had just finished a call with the team giving them some information and the preliminary profile Abigail had written up from the Case Debrief.

" I want you to feel comfortable and I've noticed sometimes after our coffee dates, you get overwhelmed very easily and stressed out being in a busy environment' Penny said.

Abigail shuffled from one foot to the other feeling very uncomfortable with where the conversation could be heading. She sat down at the desk and opened the case folder before turning back to Penelope who had noticed the way her smile had dropped, she wasn't a profiler but anyone could read Abigail like an open book. She wore her heart on her sleeve and emotions on her face.

"Thank you Penelope," Abigail calmly said. "Is there any tasks you need me to do before the team gets to the precinct?"

Penelope sighed, she knew getting Abigail to open up would be hard, these types of conversations made her uncomfortable.

"No, I'm going to get some coffee would you like anything?" Penelope said as she stood up.

Abigail shook her head and turned on her computer, continuing her paperwork from this morning.

Abigail's POV

That was awkward I feel so bad speaking to Penelope like that but I just want a fresh slate. In my last job as a nurse, I told one of my managers about my depression and anxiety, I was forced to go on sick leave and have an assessment, they nearly sectioned me! Breathe girl, breathe.  I'm exhausted today has been a long day and it's only 10 am. I log onto the computer and begin completing my tasks as Penelope comes back in with a fresh cup of coffee and some hot cocoa for me.

"Thank you Penny," I said taking the hot drink being extra careful not to spill it. I had already acquired two burns this month and I am not trying to get anymore. I plugged my headphones and continued with my work.

Time Jump to after the Case

I jumped feeling a hand on my shoulder, a shiver running down my spine. I whipped off my headphones and quickly turned around, it was Penny, I clutched my non-existent pearls and took a deep breath before turning around.

"It's just me, the case is over, Hotch is sending us home for the weekend, we can finish the paperwork on Monday. Do you want to come out with us? We're going to the bar  for a few drinks," Penny asked. You could tell she was worried about you. It had been quite a short case but with all the events leading up to it, you were exhausted and just wanted to curl up with your favourite comfort show and sleep.

"No thanks if that's alright? Maybe next time" I said as I started packing up my stuff to go. Normally you would stay later to finish off the case report but with your car was in the shop and you were ready to go home.

"That's fine hun. I'll see you on Monday." Penny said before leaving.

I double checked I had everything while waiting for the elevator. When it reached my floor and got on it, pressing the ground floor. I am so glad no one was on it, I'm an awkward person on a good day but the tension between you and a stranger in the elevator has brought me to tears ... of laughter previously.

(this is a true story)
(A/N: How do people write in first person, I feel sick,. I was going to add a cringey elevator scene but I feel like I still need to bring a bit more life to Abigail)

Lost (Criminal Minds Fanfic BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن