Chapter 25

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Alex ran to her D.A.D.A. class as she fixed her tie. Alex walked in and knew she was late. "Ms. Octavias, your late and now have detention." The teacher purred in a sickly sweet voice. Alex sighed and found an empty seat beside Draco. "Now Vampires are extremely dangerous and cunning creatures," Alex got a bad feeling. "They, like Veela, are stunning but when a Vampire reveals their fangs their true nature is revealed." She looked around the room and her eyes landed on Alex. Alex swallowed hard. "Ms, Octavias, would you care to deminstraite?" She purred. Alex felt her gut dropped. "Excuse me?" Alex asked. "Seeing as you are a member of the oldest Vampire lineeage," Alex stood up and glared at her. "How dare you!" Alex shouted. Potter stood up. "Professor, you have no right to accuse Alex of such things." He spat angrily. "In fact, Potter... I do," she beamed as she looked around the room. "The students and parents of Hogwarts have a right to know that a Vampire is attending this school." She said in a sickly sweet tone. "But she isn't a Vampire, Professor Umbridge. Vampires can't survive in the sun and we have all seen Alex outside in the day and she eats food." Hermione said as she came to Alex's aid. "True, Ms. Granger, but Ms. Octavias is only half Vampire." Alex felt the tears build as everyone stared at her with fear, doubt, and disgust. "You have no right to these accusations!" Draco spat as he stood. "There not accusations when there true," she drew her wand in a flash and pointed it at Alex. Alex stepped into the isle and backed away. "For example... Silvercorperus." Alex raised her hands as the spell hit her. Alex screamed and hit the ground as she convulsed. "STOP IT!!" "HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" "PLEASE STOP IT!!" These were the veried responses from the three. Alex's eyes rolled up in her head as she convulsed violently. Umbridge stopped the spell and Alex laid still, not moving and not breathing. Hermione ran to her side and started to do chest compressions. "YOU KILLED HER!!" Potter roared. Alex then gasped for air, surprising and shocking everyone. Hermione helped her to her feet. Alex used the deak to steady her. "Move away from her, Ms. Granger." Umbridge warned. Alex turned and walked to the door, stumbling as she went. Alex stumbled down corridors and made it to the transfiguration room. Alex walked in as Minerva explained how to turn a pet into a silver goblet. Alex stumbled and grabbed a desk as Minerva stopped. "Mum..." Alex whispered and hit the floor. Minerva rushed to her daughter's aid and checked her pulse. "Someone go get the nurse!" Minerva shouted franticly as she pulled Alex into her arms.

Minerva stormed into Albus' office, interupting his conversation with Fudge. "She attacked Alex!" Minerva roared. Albus stood up. "Who, Minerva?" He asked, his protectivness seeping through. "Doloris Jane Umbridge, right after she exposed Alex's illness to the entire class!" She snapped. Fudge remained silent. Minerva turned on him. "Do something!" She demanded. Fudge cleared his throat. "Ms. Octavias is a Vampire and that should have been shared to the students before hand." He said politicly. Minerva stared him down with a fridged glare. "She is only half and has complete control over that side and has never nor ever been a threat to anyone's safety!" Minerva spat. Fudge just shrugged.

Alex walked into her common room amd everyone stopped and stared at her. Alex froze in her tracks. They all knew. A boy stood up. "So your a blood sucking whore, now that makes sence." He sneered. Alex glared at him. "How dare you!" She snarled. Parkinson stood up and got in Alex's face. "Find somewhere else to sleep, Vampire. No one wants you hear." She spat. "You have nothing to fear, I don't eat pugs." Alex hissed. Parkinson reached for her wand but Alex waved her hand and sent her flying backwards. Parkinson hit a table before hitting the floor. People started whispered even more. "Listen up, all of you!" Alex shouted, commanding silence. "I have never killed or fed off anyone. I am a animal blood type of girl and only the blood Hagrid supplies from his chickens!" Alex announced. "I am still the same Alexandria you all know... the only difference is you now know what I was fighting to remain secret." Alex said. "Vampire!" "Whore!" "Blood sucker!" They yelled. Draco walked in. How dare you all treat the Dark Lord's favourite like a mudblood!!" Draco roared. That shut them up. Alex was reliefed he said favourite instead of pet. "Draco, shut up!" Alex ordered. "I never want to here that halfblood's name used in the same sentance with regaurds with me." Alex spat. She then was hit with a spell that knocked her out.

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