"Thank you, Casey." Braeden whispered and Casey nodded in agreement as she walked out of the room and she quickly shut the door behind her.

When Casey looked for Isaac in 215 though, he had already been wheeled into surgery.

Then she saw Scott snapping out his werewolf claws as she raced after him and jumped into the elevator just in time and while she was trying to stun the alpha, Scott the dummy, he kept getting in the way of her shot.

Finally, she stunned him and Ennis roared in a fury as he backhanded her into the wall as she hit her head hard. "Don't you realize what you're dealing with? I'm an Alpha." The elevator doors opened and Casey's eyes went wide and she heard the sound of claws, sinking into flesh.

Scott was dropped onto the ground and the Alpha snarled loudly. "So am I." Derek wasted no time before he was able to throw Ennis quickly out of the elevator and down the hallway. "Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" Derek asked Scott, whose eyes were wide at the sight of him. "I know that Casey isn't." Derek said as he held a hand out as Casey accepted the help up.

"Good timing." Casey muttered and she winced, touching the back of her head and when she looked over at them, her fingers were bloody. "Oh great, another head injury." She said.

After getting herself patched up by Melissa McCall without an incident or report, Casey drove off quickly on Tye's motorcycle toward the Hale House. Casey cut the engine and left the helmet on the handlebars and she walked into the house. "Did I miss much?" Casey asked.

"Not really. You know, just Derek tattooing Scott's arm now, with a blowtorch!" Stiles exclaimed and Casey raised her eyebrows at his tone of voice. "But you already knew that." He said.

"Yup." Casey said as she looked quickly over at Isaac, as she walked over. "That definitely does looks like he could use a few more hours in a bacta tank."

"Was that a Star Wars reference from you?" Stiles asked as Casey, she nodded.

"Yep. Used to watch them all the time every year with Tye... before all of the crazy shit happened, that started with Peter." Casey muttered.

"You painted the door. Why-why did you paint the door?" Scott asked of Derek, who was looking like a huge weight had been put on his shoulders.

"Go home, Scott." Derek said and silently, Casey walked over to help Derek with Isaac.

"And why only one side?" Scott asked.

"Trust me Scott, you don't want to know why, so just go home." Casey insisted and Scott looked at her, as she felt pain in her eyes.


"He won't stop, Derek." Casey murmured as she followed him and they watched and swiftly, Scott had revealed the symbol of the Alpha Pack. A different type of triskelion than the one that the Hales had used for centuries.

"The birds at school and the deer last night, just like the night that I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha... How many are there?" Scott asked and Derek looked at Casey who lifted her shoulders a bit at the look.

"A pack of them. An Alpha pack."

"How does that even work?" Stiles asked.

"They were all Alphas of their own packs, once, before they killed them all. Well, most of the alphas killed their entire packs. I have heard that at least two of them didn't finish the job entirely." Casey said and Stiles looked confused. "Their leader, Deucalion, he couldn't kill his nephew, his name is Carter." Casey said and Scott growled a bit as Carter walked up the steps.

"We know that they have Tye, Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, Carter, and I have all been looking for them for the last four months. Casey has been calling in favors from all over the world to try and help us find them and more information about them."

"Why would we need more information? You have Deucalion's nephew right here!" Scott shouted as he pointed at Carter.

"I haven't spoken to my uncle or any of the Alphas, since their packs were killed. That was about 5 years ago, five years ago now. Bloody hell, I can't believe it's been that long already." Carter murmured.

"Tye, he was our best chance at learning more about them. But he is stuck in captivity, he can't help us now." Casey said and Scott looked at the two, as Carter moved to join them quickly.

"Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha Pack?" Scott asked.

"With all the help I can get." Derek admitted and Scott looked over to see Casey, silently watching this go on.

"Where is she?" Isaac asked and Casey's eyes narrowed, as she turned to look at Isaac. "Where's the girl?" He asked.

"Oh shit, Braeden!" Casey remembered and she took off real quickly outside, grabbing her helmet and she kickstarted the motorcycle.

"What girl... Casey, wait!" Derek shouted after Casey, who was now driving off toward the high school.

Casey stopped the motorcycle as she raced into the school, going straight as she could to the locker room and she found Braeden, leaning against the lockers. "Okay, easy. Come on." Casey said and Braeden looked at her. "I am not letting you seriously bleed out in a high school, Braeden, work with me here." Casey snapped as Braeden was using Casey's extra shirt to press it against the bleeding wounds as Casey was getting her to the hospital.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now