Defeating Trigon

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"Oh I don't feel so good." Beast Boy says as the group arrives in Trigon's domain.

"The crystal can only be touched by me. He may have escaped it but he can't destroy it." Raven says.

"I just hope he left a trail of breadcrumbs." Blue Beetle says.

"Can't you just transport us inside?" Cybord asks.

"No it's shielded." Raven says.

"Great." Alexis says.

"Ugh..." Garfield says as he collapses.

"Garfield!" Alexis shouts in alarm and runs over to Garfrield.

"Dude what the hell? Gar you still with us?" Blue Beetle asks before a large creature appears and begins attacking the group as Robin and Raven run ahead.

"Little help Gar!" Alexis shouts before the creature pins her as a green creature makes it let her go.

"Dude! Check me out!" Beast Boy shouts happily.


"Raven! Is it over?" Starfire asks as the group finds Raven with Robin.

"It'll never be over. Trigon will spend every single minute trying to get out of here. So he needs to be watched every single minute." Raven says as she shows a little crystal..

"Dude thanks for helping out. It was nice to have a big gun around." Blue Beetle says as he, Alexis and Beast Boy look at Cyborg.

"Yeah. You ought to dump those stuck-up jerks and sign up with us." Beast Boy says.

"Be nice having you around." Alexis says as she smiles before going over to Robin and smiling at him as he smiles at her.

"It was nice not to be the kid for once. But when you've been in the majors... You know what I'm saying." Cyborg says.

"Time to go home." Starfire says as she smiles at Raven..

"I'll take you back. Unfortunately this is my home. I have to watch him." Raven says.

"It's not your home. Home is the place where... When you have to go there. They have to take you in." Robin says.

"Robert Frost. You are full of surprises, Damian." Starfire says as she looks at Robin.

"Not that it's a bad thing." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You're coming with us." Robin says as he smiles at Raven before she smiles.


I've sifted through all the data and found no signs of the corruptors for the 10 days since our encounter with Trigon. In other words great work Titans." Batman says as the group is on a call with the Justice League while Alexis smiles at Damian.

"Your determination and teamwork saved the world and us. You should be very proud of them Kori." Wonder Woman says as Koriand'r smiles.

"As are we." Batman says.

"Hey guys! It's pizza night. Boom tube delivery. Less than 30... Minutes." Cyborg says as he comes in with some pizza before seeing the Justice League..

"Carry on Titans." Batman says as the call ends.

"Okay. That was awkward." Cyborg says.

"Enough talk. Let's eat." Beast Boy says as the group begins eating and celebrating.


"Oh come on! You beat me again!" Garfield shouts as he is playing a board game with Alexis in her room.

"Sorry Gar. You know the bet rules." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I do you clothes and portion of the dishes for the next week." Garfield says grumpily.

"But it's not like you don't beat me at games too you know." Alexis says.

"Yeah just not so fun when it's chores I don't like." Garfrield says as he and Alexis hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Alexis shouts before Damian walks in.

"Damian? Wow you knocked before coming in. That's first." Garfield says in surprise.

"Haha. Very funny. I would like a moment alone with Alexis." Damian says before Garfield looks at Alexis as she shrugs before he leaves.

"So what's up?" Alexis asks.

"I wanted to talk to you about the things you said." Damian says as he goes over to Alexis.

"And? What about them?" Alexis asks.

"You were right about me. In a lot of ways." Damian says.

"I kind of knew that already Damian." Alexis says as she smiles.

"It just took me longer to realize that you were right. You all were. For that I'm sorry." Damian says.

"Damian there's no need to apologize. I'm happy to see you're finally happy. But if I can ask what made you decide to come tell me all this personally?" Alexis asks curiously.

"It's because you've been the one to be the most patient and most caring toward me. Out of everyone. I didn't understand it when I first came but I think I do now." Damian says as he sits beside Alexis on her bed.

"You do?" Alexis asks.

"Yes. It's because you like me." Damian says as Alexis blushes.

"Whoa Damian. Back up there just a wee bit. First I was just being a friend. I know what it's like to he in your position. More than you'll probably ever know. But as time went on you are correct. It's because I do like you. But overall I just wanted to help another person see things the way I did because I was in the same position once." Alexis says while blushing.

"But now we're both in a better place." Damian says as he smiles.

"Right... Say if you thought it was because I like you how come you didn't mention it sooner? You're not one to keep thoughts like that to yourself. You've made that quite clear." Alexis says.

"Well... it's uh... it's because I like you too. When I first met you I wanted nothing to do with any of you but seeing how you have been there for me since I got here I guess the feeling clicked." Damian says before Alexis kisses him on the lips and pulls away.

"I'm happy to see you feel the same. Sorry I just couldn't help myself." Alexis says before Damian kisses her and pulls away.

"No. It's alright. It was... enjoyable." Damian says as Alexis smiles.

"You wanna go for a walk with me around town? It's not exciting nor does it really serve a purpose. Just meant to be fun. I know you're not fond of fun but-" Alexis then gets cut off by Damian as she stands up.

"Actually that sounds nice. Plus I'd like to get the image of seeing Garfield this morning naked out of my head." Damian says in disgust as Alexis laughs.

"You finally saw him sleeping nude huh?" Alexis asks as Damian stands up.

"Yes and I don't want to see it again." Damian says.

"Come on. Let's go." Alexis says as she holds hands with Damian and leaves.

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